Three students sit at a table in the Munk School library with books and laptops


Admission to the Peace, Conflict and Justice program

Admission to the PCJ Program is a highly competitive process and meeting outlined criteria does not guarantee acceptance into the program. Students in their first year of study at the University of Toronto who are interested in the PCJ Program are required to take three introductory courses in History, Economics, Psychology, Sociology and/or International Relations. These courses are not required at the time of admission, but must be completed during the course of the program in order to graduate (See the POS forms on the Core Curriculum page).

Please note that it is very difficult to enter the PCJ Program in your third year of study. Prospective students are strongly encouraged to apply at the end of their first year of undergraduate study, as students in subsequent years are very rarely (and only in exceptional cases) granted admission at the discretion of the Academic Director.