Webinar: Information Technology for Property Taxation – Strategies for Effective Design and Implementation
Information technology (IT) holds great potential for improving property taxation: it can help accelerate property identification, digitalise and automate aspects of property valuation, facilitate payments by taxpayers, improve transparency, and strengthen data management.
In practice however, the impact of new IT tools frequently underperforms relative to this potential – or fails altogether. This is often due to factors including unnecessarily complex or incompatible systems, poor customization to specific local contexts, limited on-going technical support, and resistance by users.
This webinar will explore the challenges of implementing new IT systems and present experiences from four countries: Nigeria, Uganda, Cote d’Ivoire, and Benin. The discussion, featuring researchers and tax officials, will explore various tools and strategies for improving reform outcomes.
The webinar will be moderated by:
- Nara Monkam - Director of Research, African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF)
- Wilson Prichard – CEO, International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD) and Chair of the African Property Tax Initiative (APTI)
- Moyosore Arewa – Programme and Research Officer, ICTD
The guest speakers will be:
- Priya Manwaring – Country Economist (Uganda), International Growth Centre (IGC)
- Robert Raikes Mugangaizi - Manager Revenue Collection, Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), Uganda
- Daouda Kamagaté - Technical Advisor in charge of Taxation, Directorate General of Taxes (DGI), Cote d’Ivoire
- Peter Ritchie – Project Manager, Kaduna Geographic Information Service (KADGIS), Kaduna State, Nigeria
- Géraud Tossou - Head of Information Technology, Directorate General of Taxes (DGI), Benin
Peadar Davis – Senior Lecturer in Property Appraisal and Management, Belfast School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Ulster University and Director of Global Research, Center for Appraisal Research and Technology
This event will have simultaneous translation between English, French, and Portuguese on Zoom. Register in advance to receive the link to join on Zoom with interpretation, or if you understand French and English, watch the livestream on YouTube here.
This webinar is the second of three that is being organised by the ICTD’s African Property Tax Initiative (APTI) in partnership with the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF). The webinar series is being held in the lead up to ATAF’s 6th African Tax Research Network (ATRN) Congress scheduled to take place from 6-8 September 2021 in Nairobi, Kenya and/or virtually via Zoom subject to health restrictions. This year’s Congress is on the theme “Maximising property tax revenues through digitalisation,” and there is currently an open call for papers with a deadline of June 5th, 2021.