CSUS offers awards and grants to faculty in all disciplines across the University of Toronto.
The Centre for the Study of the United States at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy seeks to appoint two Bissell-Heyd Research Fellows for the period of September 1, 2024, to August 31, 2025.
Research Fellowships are open to current Assistant and Associate Professors at the University of Toronto in both the teaching and tenure streams; they also are open to lecturers and CLTAs with continuing appointments. Applicants' research interests must be related to the study of the United States, broadly conceived. Research Fellows will be asked to coordinate a public research event or series of events, with the Centre’s administrative assistance. These events will be the initiative of the Fellow and will reflect their own scholarly interests. Centre resources will be available to coordinate events and to aid in procuring additional resources, if needed.
Fellows will receive a stipend of $15,000 to support the costs of the research event. In exceptional cases, where external research funding has already been secured, the stipend may be used towards course release, conditional upon approval of the Fellow's home-department Chair.
To apply, interested faculty members should submit:
- A current CV.
- A brief description of their current research interests (approx. 500 words).
- A description of a public research event they propose to mount as part of the fellowship, including a tentative budget.
Emailed applications will be accepted as a single pdf file to the director, Professor Rick Halpern, CSUS Director at rick.halpern@utoronto.ca by May 15, 2024.
Faculty Research Awards
The Centre for the Study of the United States at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy is pleased to announce the launch of its new Faculty Research Awards for the 2024-25 academic year. Each award carries up to $10,000 in funding.
These awards aim to support innovative research projects related to the study of the United States, broadly conceived. For the upcoming academic year, two awards will be granted: one tailored for a pre-tenured colleague and the other for an Associate Professor.
Recipients of this award are expected to utilize the funds to advance ongoing research. Eligible items include, but are not limited to: travel to archives for research; travel for fieldwork; securing of research materials; hiring of research assistants, editors, proofreaders, etc.; convening of research teams; and publication subventions. The recipients will be expected to be actively involved in the Centre’s programming during the year and are required to submit a brief report when the funds are expended.
To apply, interested faculty members should submit:
- A current CV.
- 2–3-page proposal outlining a description of the larger project, a timetable for completion, the specific details of your request, and a budget that makes note of other funds that may be at your disposal.
Funds awarded in this round should be used before the start of the next academic year.
Applications should be submitted via email as a single PDF file to the Director, Professor Rick Halpern, CSUS Director at rick.halpern@utoronto.ca by May 15, 2024. Queries about the award program and application process can be sent to the same address.