Thomas Law

Thomas Law is a master’s candidate at the Centre for European and Eurasian Studies at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. He is an aspiring writer, with articles published in outlets around the world, on topics including Indigenous issues in Australia and Canada, sports and diplomacy in Afghanistan, Pacific Islander culture, labour issues at the University of Toronto, and democratisation in Ukraine and Georgia and associated accession negotiations with the EU and NATO. He holds a BSc in International Politics and Policy from the University of Liverpool and is a senior editor at the Eurasiatique student-led journal. He worked as an artistic collaborator on the Neighbours: Forms of Trauma installation recreating the lived experiences of Bulgarian forced labour camp survivors, both in Toronto and at the 2024 Venice Biennale. His major research proposal will investigate the relationship between organised football supporter groups and political leaders in Hungary and Serbia in the spreading of nationalist, irredentist messaging, the manner in which this bolsters support for incumbent political powers, and the associated impacts on political freedom and ethnic minorities domestically and in the diaspora.