People's History Lab

Race, Equity and Public Policy



Session 1: Colonial Policy and Indigenous Populations

Brian Gettler (University of Toronto), Underwriting Colonial Development in Canada: Indigenous Capital and Settler Institutions, 1830-1862

Maggie Jones (Emory University), The Legacy of Indian Missions in the United States, joint with Donn Feir and David Scoones

Rob Gillezeau (University of Toronto), The Determinants and Impacts of Historical Treaty-Making in Canada with Donn Feir and Maggie Jones Lunch

Session 2: The Representation of Racial Minorities

Erik Mayer (Southern Methodist University), The Impact of Minority Representation at Mortgage Lenders

Vicki Bogan (Cornell University), What Drives Racial Diversity on U.S. Corporate Boards?

Tianyi Wang (University of Toronto), Long-Run Effects of Black-Oriented Radio on Political Participation

Keynote: Trevon Logan (Ohio State University), “All We Have Is The Truth”: Burdened Individuality, Abstract Equality, and Economic Inference


Session 3: The Origins and Costs of Racial Discrimination

Jamein Cunningham (Cornell University), Black Lives: The High Cost of Segregation

Bryn King (University of Toronto), Whose best interest? Racism, inequity, and child welfare policy in the United States and Canada

Martin Fizbein (Boston University), The Confederate Diaspora

Session 4: Economic Mobility for Racial Minorites

Elisa Jacome (Northwestern University), Mobility for All: Representative Intergenerational Mobility Estimates over the 20th Century

Claire Célérier (University of Toronto), Finance, Advertising and Fraud: The Rise and Fall of the Freedman's Savings Bank

Keynote: Leah Boustan (Princeton University), Streets of Gold: America's Untold Story of Immigrant Success