Belt & Road in Global Perspective
A map highlighting all the countries of the BRI


Joshua Barker headshot
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology
Dean, School of Graduate Studies
Vice-Provost, Graduate Research and Education
Francis Cody - Photo by Jamie Napier
Director, Dr. David Chu Program in Contemporary Asian Studies (CAS)
Director, Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS)
Associate Professor, Asian Institute/Centre for South Asian Studies
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, UTM
Headshot of Neekoo Collett
Digital Outreach Manager
Associate Editor, Transformations
Headshot of Diana Fu - photo by Alexis MacDonald
Co-lead, Changing World Order area of focus, Munk School
Director, East Asia Seminar Series
Associate Professor, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science
Headshot of Filiz Kahraman
Assistant Professor, Political Science, UTSC
Affiliated Faculty, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
Headshot of Matthew Light
Associate Professor, Criminology and Sociological Studies
Affiliated Faculty, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
Headshot of Phillip Lipscy - photo by Alexis MacDonald
Director, Centre for the Study of Global Japan
Chair in Japanese Politics and Global Affairs
Professor, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
Professor, Department of Political Science
Katharine Rankin headshot
Professor, Department of Geography and Planning
Headshot of Ed Schatz
Director, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
Director, Belt and Road in Global Perspective
Director, Eurasia Initiative
Professor, Department of Political Science
Headshot of Rachel Silvey
Richard Charles Lee Director, Asian Institute
Professor, Department of Geography & Planning
Headshot of Lucan Ahmad Way
Co-Director, Petro Jacyk Program for the Study of Ukraine
Distinguished Professor of Democracy, Department of Political Science