Ours is not an effort to chase the headlines. Instead, we seek to bring together scholars whose research considers how the BRI is reconfiguring social, cultural, and political forces across Asia and Eurasia in sometimes expected and sometimes surprising ways.
Our scope is enormous, with a geographic purview that ranges from Western Europe and the Caucasus to Central Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Our thematic purview is equally broad: we are primarily interested in changes in migration, labour relations, and social mobilization.
Precisely because the impact of the BRI crosses so many thematic, geographic, and disciplinary boundaries, our platform seeks to bring together the widest array of scholars working on relevant topics.

Along with our partners at the National University of Singapore and Nazarbayev University, we welcome proposals from any scholar working on relevant topics. Please contact us anytime:
1. We welcome interest from all disciplinary and interdisciplinary angles, and extend a specific invitation to those with roots in anthropology, development studies, economics, education, geography, migration studies, policy studies, political science, sociology, urban planning, and cognate fields. The breadth of this call for interest in deliberately expansive.
2. We use the phrase “downstream effects” to underscore that we are primarily interested in ground-level perspectives on the changes that are underway in countries across Asia and Eurasia.