Tailor your degree to fit your interests and career goal and enhance your CEES experience with one of our joint programs and specializations
Combined MA and Juris Doctor Program in Law (MA ERA/JD)
The combined MA/JD will prepare you for a legal career with expertise in Europe and Eurasia.
Program highlights
- Complete this program in 4 years (instead of the 5 years required to complete the separate CEES MA and JD degrees).
- Gain hands-on international experience as a summer intern working in Europe and Eurasia.
- Acquire working language proficiency to build to your resume and expand future career prospects.
Degree requirements
All courses in your first year will be completed at the Faculty of Law
In the first 3 years of study, you will:
- Complete 45 credits at the Faculty of Law
- Satisfy the compulsory requirements of the JD, including the moot, an International/Comparative/Transnational Perspective (ICT) course, and a Perspective Course. Please see the JD Degree Requirements in the Academic Handbook.
- Complete 10 half-year courses at CEES. In your second year, you should complete at least 4 half-year courses at CEES
- Complete one of the following: 2 extra half-year courses at CEES ; 6 credits at the Faculty of Law ; a combination of 1 half-year course at CEES and 3 credits at the Faculty of Law
- Complete the CEES required research seminar course, ERE2000Y1
- Demonstrate reading competence in one of the region’s languages (pertinent to your Major Research Paper in ERE2000Y1) before the beginning of your final year
As a CEES MA/JD student, you will be encouraged to complete the CEES regional internship over one summer during your degree.
During the second to fourth year of your degree, you must submit your course selections for approval from the program coordinators of both CEES and the Faculty of Law.

Collaborative program in Jewish Studies
Graduate with an MA from CEES and a certificate in Jewish Studies. This program is designed to complement your CEES degree by emphasizing the interdisciplinary nature of Jewish Studies and encouraging cross-discipline collaboration, analysis, and research.
Program requirements
** You must complete all the CEES degree requirements alongside the requirements of the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies.
- Enroll in the core methods seminar in Jewish Studies (CJS1000H1Y), which will introduce you to the different disciplines, methods, and approaches within Jewish Studies.
- Take one half-year course (0.5 credit) in Jewish Studies within CEES or in another department.
- Complete a comprehensive exam in Jewish Studies, supervised by the Graduate Director and the Program Coordinator, in which the student will be asked to show knowledge of areas of Jewish Studies relevant to his or her disciplinary focus.
- The topic of your Major Research Paper (MRP) must pertain to Jewish Studies and the topic must be approved by the Director of the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies.
If you are interested in this collaborative program, please contact the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies Graduate Administrator at jewish.studies@utoronto.ca or visit their website for more information.

Collaborative Graduate Program in Ethnic, Immigration, and Pluralism Studies
This collaborative program, run through the Harney Program in Ethnic, Immigration, and Pluralism Studies, is designed for students with interests in citizenship, migration, and diversity. It offers you the opportunity to expand your knowledge beyond a single disciplinary base and to take advantage of the wealth of academic resources available at the University of Toronto. With this collaborative program, you will graduate with a degree from CEES and specialization noted on your transcript.
Program requirements
** You must complete all the CEES degree requirements alongside the requirements of the Harney Program in Ethnic, Immigration, and Pluralism Studies.
- Complete two 0.5 FCE (full course equivalent) courses in ethnicity, immigration, and/or pluralism from two different disciplines, chosen from the list of approved courses. At least one of the two courses will be in a discipline/department other than CEES.
- Enroll in the Coordinating Seminar: Ethnic, Immigration, and Pluralism Studies (EIP3000H) in the fall or winter semester.
- Your internship or regional experience must focus on ethnicity, immigration, and/or pluralism.
- The topic of your Major Research Paper (MRP) must focus on the area of ethnicity, immigration, and/or pluralism.
There is no separate admissions requirement or firm deadline to apply for this collaborative program, but new applications should be sent in sometime before the start of each new academic year (end of July to mid-August).
Contact the Harney Program Coordinator and the CEES Program & Internship Coordinator by email to express your interest to join the program