UK Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
The UK's Net Zero Council, which brings together CEOs from leading companies including Co-op, HSBC, Siemens, NatWest and Cemex, has developed a new framework to help empower businesses to create tailored action plans to reduce emissions across their sector.
The guidelines, developed in partnership with the Broadway Initiative, will provide a robust, credible and consistent set of criteria for business sector roadmaps.The report outlines the following criteria that all sector roadmaps should meet to ensure they can effectively reduce emissions:
1. A credible pathway aligned to HMG’s Net Zero Strategy
Show emissions reduction pathways for scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions
Include other strategic enabling activities the sector must take as part of an economy-wide transition (with any reliance on carbon offsets set out transparently and compatible with relevant net zero strategy assumptions for the sector)
Provide real-world deployment figures mapping to emissions pathways
Identify supporting government policies
Identify energy demand across the sector and sector level of readiness
Show dependencies with other sector pathways and wider net zero roadmaps
2. Robust delivery plan and structures
Set out a clear delivery plan including actions required to deliver on the pathways
Have the commitment of a high proportion of businesses in the sector
Be supported by the capacity and capability to facilitate delivery
Monitor and account for delivery, including mechanisms to correct course where needed
Commit to annual public reporting on progress with defined KPIs for all decarbonisation actions
Identify behavioural as well as technology changes that are needed to adopt a holistic approach to delivery
Consider SMEs in delivery
Enablers for collaboration
3. Collaboration on barriers, gaps and dependencies, including:
Regular identification of barriers and gaps, including finance challenges
Mechanism to overcome barriers and gaps, currently the Net Zero Council
Mechanism to identify dependencies and ensure they are robust and well sequenced, using the cross economy roadmap tool
4. Independent assessment of roadmaps to ensure credibility
Sectors report on how they have met the criteria in 1 and 2
Objective assessment of roadmaps against criteria, including of the pathway and delivery plan