The Petro Jacyk Program for the Study of Ukraine offers graduate scholarships in Ukrainian Studies to graduate students at Master’s and doctoral levels studying at the University of Toronto, including participants in the exchange program with the Kyiv Mohyla Academy. The scholarship may also be used to support research conducted in Ukraine.
Call for Applications
The Petro Jacyk Program for the Study of Ukraine at the Centre for European and Eurasian Studies invites applications for funding from the University of Toronto’s graduate students whose main focus of research is Ukraine. Fellowships will be allocated for travel related to the study of Ukraine or in support of doctoral students at the stage of writing their dissertations on topics related to Ukraine. Any proposed travel would need to adhere to the University of Toronto’s Safety Abroad guidelines.
Interested students should submit the following documents:
A letter describing their research project and outlining why they are seeking the funding
Budget (if applicable)
Current CV
A letter of recommendation. For PhD students, the letter should be preferably issued by the supervisor.
Please send the documents in one file to by October 13, 2023. Referees can email their letters to this address directly.