East Asia, Innovation, Centre for the Study of Global Japan

Event Report: The Iconoclast: Shinzō Abe and the New Japan

On October 8th 2020, the Centre for the Study of Global Japan, in collaboration with Professor Adam P. Liff, Director of the 21st Century Japan Politics & Society Initiative at the Hamilton Lugar School at Indiana University, invited Japan Analyst Tobias Harris to introduce his new book “The Iconoclast: Shinzō Abe and the New Japan”.

The Iconoclast tells the story of Shinzō Abe’s meteoric rise and stunning fall, his remarkable comeback, and his unlikely emergence as a global statesman laying the groundwork for Japan’s survival in a turbulent century. During the talk, Mr. Harris explained that Abe’s unusual, yet spectacular political journey is what inspired him to write the book. He discussed several influential aspects of Abe’s political journey that can be found in The Iconoclast such as Abenomics, Japan’s climate policy, and the lasting impacts of Abe’s time as the longest serving Prime Minister in Japan. The talk was concluded with a reflection on the future of Japan under current Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, followed by a Q&A session.

The Q&A session following the talk, with questions being addressed to Mr. Harris, was moderated by Professor Phillip Lipscy, Director of the Centre for the Study of Global Japan, and Professor Adam P. Liff, Director of the 21st Century Japan Politics & Society Initiative. The virtual book talk featured a global audience in attendance and a lively discussion was held after the presentation of the book.

The Centre for the Study of Global Japan would like to thank Professor Adam P. Liff and the 21st Century Japan Politics & Society Initiative, for co-hosting the event, and Mr. Tobias Harris for delivering an insightful talk about his book and Japanese politics.