Student Affiliate Program

Student affiliates represent and engage with CSGJ for the duration of their studies at the University of Toronto and beyond. This diverse group of students interested in Japanese culture and politics support our mission by fostering a greater understanding of contemporary Japan, and have exclusive access to opportunities and our networks.

Affiliate Alumni

Woman holding a coffee inside a colorful room.

Elva Tsz Pui Yung, B.A. '24 

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"I began to learn Japanese in high school and that was the first time I officially became in touch with studies related to Japan. I then found myself having a big interest in Japanese studies so I decided to major in East Asian Studies in my undergraduate. Now I am in my third year of study, the past two years doing East Asian Studies deepened my interest in Japan studies, and I would like to further be in touch with the Japanese affairs and connect with like-minded people."

Woman wearing glasses and a beanie crouching down in the snow and smiling.

Samantha Moura Novais de Quadros, B.A. '24

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"I've always had a keen interest in Japanese culture and language. I see being a Student Affiliate as an opportunity to explore other topics and widen my knowledge of the country's history and politics. I also look forward to getting to know other students and creating meaningful connections with faculty."

Woman in white cardigan standing in front of a white wall.

Dania Asahi Ogie, M.P.P. '24

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"I was born in Japan and spent my childhood there; however, my understanding of Japanese politics lacked depth – simply being from a place is not enough to grasp the complexities of politics and diplomacy there. I wanted to become a CSGJ student affiliate to develop and expand my knowledge of the place I am from."

Man in gray shirt wearing glasses standing in front of a white wall

Jonathan Wang, B.A. '24

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"Like many others, my interest in Japan was first sparked by its pop culture. Nonetheless, during my academic journey as a political science student, I have also cultivated an interest in Japanese politics, realizing it as an excellent case for comparative political studies. As a student affiliate, I wish to further expand my knowledge of Japanese political affairs, and how its harbingering nature sheds light on challenges that other countries may face."

Man in yellow shirt and red cap with glasses smiling and posing

Jared Ren, B.A. '24

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"My interest in Japanese culture and politics has led me to enriching experiences learning about Japan and the world that it is connected to. As a student affiliate, I hope to not only continue to build my expertise in Japan but also disseminate my own experience and knowledge to the student body and beyond."

Man in gray t-shirt standing in front of Japanese red tori gates

Adley Ho, M.P.P. '24

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"I have been fascinated by the history and culture of Japan since I was young. I have visited Japan multiple times and always wanted to go back. Being a student affiliate of the CSGJ can allow me to further my interest in Japan and complement my Master of Public Policy studies."

Man sitting on rocks in front of a waterfront

Thomas Yue, B.A. '24 

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"I wanted to join CSGJ because Japan has very special modernisation experiences, and I am passionate about the culture and history that it has. I am looking forward to attending CSGJ events!"

Girl wearing flannel shirt standing in front of city skyline

Kristi Deki, B.A. '24

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"I wanted to become a CSGJ student affiliate because I've always had an interest in Japanese politics and culture. As someone who spent most of her childhood in Tokyo, I hope that becoming a part of CSGJ will help me expand my current understanding of contemporary Japan by examining the country through an international perspective."

Man with grey shirt sitting with arms crossed.

Alan Fan, B.A. '24

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"I'm interested in becoming a CSGJ student affiliate because Professor Lipscy's Japanese Politics course sparked my academic interest in Japanese politics and society. Japanese politics is also heavily intertwined with some of my other academic interests, like international organizations and global governance."

Katie Bolissian headshot

Katie Bolissian, M.P.P. '23

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"While my interest in Japan first started with fine arts, it strengthened when I began taking classes about Japanese politics and learning about the country's important role within international organizations. Becoming an Affiliate was the perfect supplement to my learning and allowed me to join a diverse community with similar academic interests!"

Katie is also an alumni of Japan's Kakehashi Project (2022-2023 cohort). 

Amelia Gipp headshot

Amelia Gipp, B.A. '23

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"I have been interested in Japan and it's culture for several years now and it thought it would be fun to learn more about the country and its history through an accessible centre like CSGJ."

Amelia is also an alumni of Japan's Kakehashi Project (2022-2023 cohort)

Headshot of Erica Matsui

Erica Matsui, B.A. '23

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"As a Japanese-American student, I want to understand Japan’s outlook and approach to political issues and how they contrast with the ‘Western’ perspective I have been taught."

Arnaud Nsamirizi headshot

Arnaud Nsamirizi, M.G.A. '23

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"Working in an Izakaya gave me exposure to a lot of Japanese nationals and culture, which sparked my interest in Japan. After taking courses on Japanese politics and participating in the Kakehashi exchange program, I became even more invested in understanding Japan's affairs and its people. Joining the CSGJ will certainly give me opportunities to further my understanding in contemporary Japanese issues."

Arnaud is also an alumni of Japan's Kakehashi Project (2019-2020 cohort). 

Mei Kanda headshot

Mei Kanda, B.Sc. '23

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"I became interested in the education system and gender bias in STEM fields through being involved in STEM student organizations in Japan and Canada. By joining the CSGJ student affiliate program, I believe that I can share with many people the differences between the modern Japanese and Canadian education system and to think about solutions to gender inequality."

Jai Singh headshot

Jai Singh, B.A. '23

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"I had a wonderful time in Prof. Phillip Lipscy's Japanese Politics class at U of T, and I wanted to further my involvement in the academic discourse concerning Japan."

Headshot of Taisei Inoue

Taisei Inoue, B.A. '23

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"I wanted to be a CSGJ student affiliate because my interests lie in Japanese public and foreign policy and I want to enhance my understanding of how policies in Japan are perceived and received globally."

Leo Teng headshot

Leo Teng, B.A. '23

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"The uniqueness of Japan politically has always fascinated me, and I look forward to developing those interests further through CSGJ events."

Leo is also an alumni of Japan's Kakehashi Project (2022-2023 cohort). 

Headshot of Anvesh Jain

Anvesh Jain, B.A. ‘21

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"I became a student affiliate to widen my understanding of Asian security dynamics, particularly Indo-Japanese, SinoJapanese, and Korean-Japanese relations. I've been to Japan twice - I have a deep fondness for the country and want to better study its politics, people, and constitutional structure."

Headshot of Vanessa Biklo

Vanessa Biklo, B.A. '22

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"I took Professor Lipscy's class in my third year and I was immediately intrigued and fascinated by Japanese politics and culture. I wanted to become a student affiliate at CSGJ in order to learn more about Japan-Canada relations and Japanese politics and to create meaningful connections between faculty and other students."

Headshot of Christal Cheng standing in front of the Supreme Court sign

Christal Cheng, B.A. '22

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"As the global landscape shifts eastward, I am interested in how Asian states are reinterpreting the international system, relations between Japan and its East Asian neighbours, and how the world is grappling with Asia’s rise. Becoming a CSGJ student affiliate enhances my studies and allows me to be more engaged in the conversation pertaining to contemporary Japan."

Headshot of Bailey Irene Midori Hoy

Bailey Irene Midori Hoy, B.A. ‘21

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"Being Japanese-Canadian, I’ve always been interested in the relationship between Japan and the rest of the world. After participating in the Kakehashi Project, I was inspired to get more involved with CSGJ and with like-minded people!"

Headshot of Jenny Liu

Jenny Liu, B.A. '22

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"Japan is special to me, as my father works there and I used to spend summers in Osaka. I took Professor Lipscy’s class on Japanese Politics and attended a CSGJ seminar, and I got more interested - I became a student affiliate to attend more events and enhance my understanding of Japanese politics."

Headshot of Aisha Shafaqat

Aisha Shafaqat, B.A. '22

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"Japan has such an interesting political-economic history, and I am interested in exploring the nation’s contemporary challenges and successes through conversations with my peers and thought-provoking lectures."

Headshot of Abena Somiah

Abena Somiah, B.A. '22

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"I heard about CSGJ when I took Professor Lipscy's course, and have been looking to get involved ever since! I am passionate about Japanese culture and want to acquire more knowledge about the country and its current issues."

Headshot of Cheryl Cheung

Cheryl Cheung, B.A. '22

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"I wanted to make the most out of my final year at U of T by diving deeper into the areas that have interested me throughout my undergraduate career. My interest in the experience of youth in contemporary Japan was sparked by Professor Clark's course on Asian Youth Cultures. There is no better way of meeting others who share this interest than by becoming a CSGJ student affiliate."

Headshot of Brian Wu

Brian Wu, B.A. '22

Why did you join the Student Affiliate Program?

"I joined because I'm eager to learn more about Japanese politics and East Asian international relations, and how scholars approach the current issues facing this exciting region."

Interested in joining the community?

As a student affiliate, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Attend invitation-only events
  • Be featured on the CSGJ website and social media
  • Lead future student initiatives related to the Centre
  • Submit written reflections to be published on the CSGJ website
  • Earn a Co-Curricular Record (CCR) Credit for your participation

To join us, you must:

  • be a current U of T student (undergraduate & graduate)
  • commit to attending at least two CSGJ events per academic year
  • have taken, or currently be taking, at least one course related to contemporary Japan at U of T (or equivalent), or have participated in the Kakehashi Project


Events and Program Coordinator