Brandenburg Gate at dusk

The Joint Initiative in German and European Studies

EU and German flags on flag poles in front of a stone building with large windows

The Joint Initiative in German and European Studies is a program of cross-disciplinary support for research and scholarship at the University of Toronto in the area of German and European studies.

JIGES was stablished by a grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, or DAAD) and with funds from the German Federal Foreign Office.

Program activites

Dissertation fellowships, research and travel grants
Primarily for graduate students in the social sciences and humanities
Exchanges of faculty and graduate students between U of T and German universities
Summer research projects for undergraduate students in the area of German and European Studies
A limited number available for senior students only
Workshops, seminars, and conferences

Opportunities to study abroad

The Freie Universität Berlin International Summer University (FUBiS)

The Freie Universität Berlin International Summer University (FUBiS) is an intensive summer program that seeks to bring together students from all over the world to promote international education and cross-cultural understanding.

The FUBiS program is designed to deepen the understanding of Germany and its role within the broader context of Europe and the world. Please visit the FUBiS website to find the course schedules for the winter and summer sessions as well as information regarding the program, credits, fees and scholarships.

European Studies Summer Academy in Vienna, Prague, and Munich

The Ludwig Maximillian Universität hosts an intensive program in European Studies in Vienna, Prague, and Munich. The program includes the option of German-language instruction.

For more information, please refer to the program’s website.

Canadian Year in Freiburg

The Canadian Year in Freiburg is open to students of all disciplines from Canadian universities and colleges and is run by Acadia University.

Language requirement: Beginners and intermediate university German (A2 level) or high school and intermediate university German or equivalent. Further information is available on Acadia University’s program page.

Fellowships & funding opportunities

The JIGES fellowships and grants for graduate students  

The JIGES fellowships and grants are awarded on a competitive basis to full-time University of Toronto graduate students whose research has either substantial German content or is comparative, drawing its subject matter from two or more European countries, one of which must be Germany. Priority is given to students who need to conduct research in Germany.


  • Academic: Full-time University of Toronto graduate students in good standing from any department, centre, or institute, whose dissertation topic or primary area of interest (if pre-dissertation) deals with a German or comparative German topic. For dissertation topics on a single country, the country must be Germany; for dissertations on more than one country, at least one of those countries must be Germany. Please note that in this case, JIGES funding can only be used to cover Germany-related research.
  • Financial: Priority is given to qualified applicants demonstrating financial need. Applicants must submit a completed Financial Needs Assessment Form. Applicants must indicate whether they have applied for other funding. Funds will be released upon completion of the trip. Successful applicants must take up fellowship funds and provide all of the receipts by April 30, 2025.
  • Applicants must determine whether their projects require an Ethics Review.
  • Note: Applications and supporting documentation must be submitted by e-mail in PDF format by March 14, 2025. Letters of reference must be supplied by e-mail from the referring professor’s official university account to Professor Alexander Reisenbichler (, JIGES Research Coordinator, and copy Katia Malyuzhinets (  Applicants applying for more than one type of fellowship must make separate applications for each fellowship. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Successful applicants are not permitted to hold at the same time both the JIGES award and a DAAD Research Grant provided by the German Academic Exchange Service.

There are two different types of awards:

Graduate research fellowships: The JIGES graduate research fellowship supports graduate students who are in the research and writing phase of their dissertations and for whom a period of residence in Germany is necessary. The award is intended to allow students to carry out research in Germany; recipients therefore may not take up work as teaching assistants or research assistants during their period of funding. With a value of up to $10,000, this award is open to PhD students only.

Deadline: March 14, 2025

ApplicationDownload and complete this cover sheet. When applying, please submit via email and in PDF format:

  1. A two-page description of your dissertation project and work plan, and on a separate page an itemized list of anticipated expenses connected with the dissertation research project and the SUM TOTAL of the expenses
  2. A brief CV
  3. Two letters of recommendation: one from your principal supervisor and one from another University of Toronto professor familiar with your work
  4. An unofficial transcript from the University of Toronto
  5. A completed  Financial Needs Assessment Form
  6. A written statement regarding the status of the research with respect to Ethics Review requirements (see above)

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Special Supplemental Awards:

These awards are intended to help graduate students carry out research in Germany and defray costs of research essential to their program of study (e.g., microfilm, photocopying, travel to visit archives or libraries, survey research, etc.). Awards cannot be made for the purchase or leasing of equipment. MA students who will be registered and in good standing when the award is tenable are eligible to apply. The value of the award is up to $5,000. 

Deadline: March 14, 2025. When applying, please submit via email and in PDF format:

  1. a two-page research proposal and on a separate page an itemized list of anticipated expenses connected with the project and the SUM TOTAL of the expenses connected to the proposed research stay in Germany;
  2. a brief CV;
  3. at least one letter of recommendation from a professor familiar with your work;
  4. a completed Financial Needs Assessment form;
  5. a written statement regarding the status of the research with respect to Ethics Review requirements (see above).

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Applications for either award should be sent to: Professor Alexander Reisenbichler (, JIGES Research Coordinator, and copy Katia Malyuzhinets (

The JIGES awards for undergraduate students

The JIGES undergraduate awards are intended to support internship or Study Abroad opportunities in Germany. Undergraduate students must be registered as full-time students in good standing at the University of Toronto.

When applying, please submit via email as a single pdf attachment:

1. A one-page statement of purpose that describes your work or study plan in Germany

2. A list of anticipated expenses connected to your activity; please include funding from all other sources at the University of Toronto (for example, CIE funding) and other organizations (such as the German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD)

3. Your official acceptance letter with contact information of the host institution

4. A brief CV (including contact information and student number)

5. An unofficial transcript from the University of Toronto

6. A completed Financial Needs Assessment form (click to download)

Undergraduate students who pursue a self-arranged Study Abroad opportunity (and have not been nominated by the Centre for International Experience) must submit their official letter of acceptance from the host institution and ensure the credits received at the German host institution can be transferred to the University of Toronto. JIGES does not provide funding for completing language courses in Germany.

Safety Abroad: Travel awards are paid at the time of travel after students have completed a Safety Abroad Workshop and registered with the Safety Abroad Office.

The funding is competitive and the amount is decided individually. Applications can be submitted on a rolling basis. We strongly recommend submitting your application as soon as you receive confirmation from the German host institution. 

Students will be expected to provide JIGES with updates about their experience and produce a short report with photos upon completion of their travel.

Applications should be sent to: Alexander Reisenbichler (, JIGES Research Coordinator, and copy Tanyaa Mehta  (

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum offers a program of fellowships to support significant research and writing about the Holocaust.  Please visit its website for up to date information about applications and deadlines.

Additional opportunities are available through the Museum’s Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies.

Council for European Studies, Columbia University

The Council for European Studies offers fellowship programs to doctoral candidates to support their first major research project in Europe.

German Historical Institute, Washington DC

The German Historical Institute seeks to further international dialogue, particularly between European and North American academics, by offering fellowships open to scholars from both sides of the Atlantic.

The Heinrich Böll Foundation

The Heinrich Böll Foundation is a political foundation affiliated with the German Green Party. It acts as a catalyst for green visions and projects, a think tank for policy reform, and an international network. The scholarship department of the Foundation grants scholarships to undergraduates, graduates, and doctoral students from inside and outside Germany.



  • Edward Schatz Research Director
    Director, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
    Director, Belt and Road in Global Perspective

    Professor, Political Science
  • Alexander Reisenbichler, Research Coordinator
    Assistant Professor of Political Science, UTM
    Affiliated Faculty, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
  • Hannah Arendt DAAD Visiting Professor for German and European Studies


  • Doris L. Bergen
    Chancellor Rose and Ray Wolfe Chair of Holocaust Studies
  • Angelica Fenner
    Associate Chair of Graduate Studies and Associate Professor of German and Cinema Studie
    Affiliated Faculty, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
  • Willi Goetschel
    Professor of German and Philosophy
    Affiliated Faculty, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
  • Randall Hansen
    Director of International Partnerships, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
    Professor, Department of Political Science and Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
    Canada Research Chair in Global Migration
    Director, Global Migration Lab

    Affiliated Faculty, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
  • Tobias Hof
    Associate Professor, Department of History
    Affiliated Faculty, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
  • Jennifer Jenkins
    Associate Professor of German and European History
    Canada Research Chair in Modern German History
    Affiliated Faculty, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
  • Ivan Kalmar
    Professor, Anthropology
    Affiliated Faculty, CEES
  • Anna Korteweg
    Professor of Sociology
    Affiliated Faculty, CEES
  • Mark Manger
    Professor, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy
    Professor, Department of Political Science
    Affiliated Faculty, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies



  • Brendan McElroy
    Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, UTSG
    Affiliated Faculty, CEES
  • John Noyes
    Professor of German
    Affiliated Faculty, CEES
  • James Retallack
    Professor of History
    Affiliated Faculty, CEES
  • Anna Shternshis
    Al and Malka Green Professor of Yiddish Studies
    Director, Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies
    Affiliated Faculty, CEES
  • Stefan Soldovieri
    Chair and Associate Professor of German
    Affiliated Faculty, CEES
    Graduate Faculty, School of Environment
  • Susan Solomon
    Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Science
    Affiliated Faculty, CEES
  • Markus Stock
    Principal, University College
    Associate Professor of German and Medieval Studies
  • Phil Triadafilopoulos
    Associate Professor, Department of Political Science
  • Rebecca Wittmann
    Associate Professor of History
    Affiliated Faculty, CEES
  • John Zilcosky
    Professor of German and Comparative Literature
    Affiliated Faculty, CEES

About DAAD

DAAD is the world’s largest funding organisation for the international exchange of students and researchers. Since its founding in 1925, DAAD has provided funding to more than 1.9 million scholars in Germany and abroad. Its activities go far beyond awarding grants and scholarships, to include supporting the internationalization of German universities, promoting German studies and the German language abroad, assisting developing countries in refining their university systems and advising decision makers on matters of cultural, education and development policy.

In Canada, DAAD is represented by the DAAD Information Centre Toronto. From its office at the Munk School, DAAD IC Toronto provides information on the suite of scholarship and grant programs available to students and faculty and works to build ties between German and Canadian universities.