Reem Baghdady and Jared Ren Honored with the 2023-2024 CSGJ Student Excellence Award
The Centre for the Study of Global Japan (CSGJ) is thrilled to announce Reem Baghdady and Jared Ren as the recipients of the 2023-2024 Student Excellence Award. Winners were chosen based on their active engagement with Centre activities, including attendance at events, community-building, and involvement in volunteer activities. Student affiliates are integral members of the CSGJ community, and the award recognizes particularly proactive students for their contributions during the academic year.

Reem Baghdady, a rising fifth-year student majoring in Psychology and Political Science, joined as a student affiliate during the 2023-2024 academic year. When asked about her motivation for joining the Centre for the Study of Global Japan, Reem explained, "From a young age, I have always cherished Japanese culture and language, actively participating in Japanese speech competitions, language meetings, and engaging with the Japanese community where I lived. At UofT, I decided to pursue political science as one of my majors, and the Centre for the Study of Global Japan perfectly intersects my passion for Japan and political science. My involvement as an executive member and leader of the University of Toronto Japan Association introduced me to the Centre and its members, and I am thrilled to be a student affiliate!"

Jared Ren, who recently graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in East Asian Studies and Sociology, joined as an affiliate during the 2023-2024 academic year. Explaining his decision to become a Centre affiliate, Jared remarked, "My fascination with Japanese culture and politics has led me to enriching experiences learning about Japan and its global connections. As a student affiliate, I aim to not only deepen my understanding of Japan but also share my own insights and knowledge with fellow students and beyond."
Congratulations to Reem and Jared for the well-deserved award! We look forward to seeing our student affiliate community continue to grow and foster life-long engagement with Japan.