Study in Paris at Sciences Po

Dual degree at Sciences Po (Paris)

Study in Paris at Sciences Po

Sciences Po Paris

Dual degree in Paris (Sciences Po)

This two-year program combines the strengths of the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs and the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy to create a unique graduate programme combining a Master in Public Policy and a Master of Global Affairs. Students gain complementary perspectives on the pressing challenges of the 21st century and benefit from the unique academic strengths of each institution. The programme prepares students and future decision-makers for internationally-focused jobs, both in the private and public sectors.

Year One (Fall/Winter)

Students complete first-year courses at Sciences Po.

Semester 1
  • Sciences Po Common Core Course #1
  • Public Policy
  • Public Economics
  • Policy Analysis and Policy Evaluation
  • Policy Stream Course #1*
  • General Elective #1
  • Language Course #1
  • Optional Course

*Please note there are some variations to policy stream courses depending on the policy stream chosen.

Semester 2
  • Sciences Po Common Core Course #2
  • Leadership, Management and Organization
  • Policy Stream Course #2
  • Policy Stream Course #3
  • General Elective #2
  • General Elective #3
  • Language Course #2
  • Optional Course

*Please note there are some variations to policy stream courses depending on the policy stream chosen. 

Year Two (Summer/Fall/Winter)

Students complete core courses and elective courses at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. MGA/MPP students graduate in November.

Summer: Semester 3
  • GLA1007Y Global Internship (10 to 16 weeks) plus a critical reflection paper to be submitted in September of Year 2

Semesters 4 and 5 (5 courses per semester is recommended)

Eight required core courses:

  • GLA1014H Global Development
  • GLA1011H Global Innovation Policy
  • GLA1010H Macroeconomics: Markets, Institutions and Growth
  • GLA1003H Global Security
  • GLA1016H Human Rights and Global Justice
  • GLA2111H Research Methods for Capstone
  • GLA2000H Capstone Seminar
  • GLA2887H Final Research and Analysis
    • Students will work on a research paper. The research paper will be turned into a policy brief and presented to a panel of judges in the summer.

Two electives:

  • Elective Course
  • Elective Course
Semester 6
  • GLA2890Y Global Policy Review

Students will present a policy brief to a panel of judges and produce a poster.

How to Apply

Applicants interested in the dual degree MPP/MGA program apply directly through Sciences Po only. There is no need to submit an application through the MGA program if you are only interested in the dual degree program. 

Click here to apply to the MPP/MGA programvia the Sciences Po website.

Those who wish to be considered for the standalone MGA, in addition to the MPP/MGA, must also submit a separate application to the MGA program by January 25, 2024. For more information please see our admissions page.

For questions related to applying to the MPP/MGA program please contact:

Master of Public Policy Program
School of Public Affairs, Sciences Po

Master of Global Affairs Program
Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto

Tuition Fees

Master of Public Policy (Sciences Po) / Master of Global Affairs (University of Toronto):

Students must pay the tuition fees applicable in their host institution (please note that tuition fees are subject to change as per U of T policy):

  • Fall-Winter Year 1: Sciences Po: Sciences Po tuition and fees
  • Summer Year 1 2024: U of T: EXEMPT (except for mandatory international student health insurance UHIP approx. $260 CAD)
  • Fall-Winter Year 2 2024/2025: U of T: $21,070.00 (plus incidental fees) for domestic students. $49,920.00 (plus incidental) for international students.
  • Summer Year 2 2025: U of T: EXEMPT (except for mandatory international student health insurance UHIP approx. $260 CAD)

***Please note that dual degree MPP/MGA students are not eligible for MGA scholarship funding since the dual degree program tuition is already reduced (two degrees for the tuition price of one degree).

Please visit the Sciences Po website for more information.