Devonshire pool

Collaborative specializations

Add an additional area of specialization to your MGA degree

Collaborative specializations

In addition to the standalone Master of Global Affairs, you can also add an additional area of specialization to your program to focus on a particular geographic area or topic.  Collaborative specializations offered with the MGA program include: 

  • Collaborative Master's Specialization in Contemporary East and Southeast Asian Studies
  • Collaborative Specialization in Ethnic, Immigration, and Pluralism Studies
  • Collaborative Specialization in Environmental Studies



Collaborative Master’s Specialization Options

Courses you take as part of a collaborative specialization count towards the 1.0 FCE (2 electives) limit on non-departmental courses. You may double count 0.50 FCE (one elective) for more than one emphasis OR use it to count towards any collaborative specialization in which you are enrolled.