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Career Services

Career Services

The MPP Career Service Team’s primary focus is to connect MPP students to jobs. Our dedicated career services team works exclusively with MPP students, and as such, understands the public policy job market and is well connected to public policy employers. Students benefit from many of the traditional career services offerings, such as: resume/cover letter critiques, mock interviews, and job search strategy sessions, however, the MPP Career Services Teams provides a unique policy lens to these services that will help land you a job as a policy professional.

Professional development opportunities are an integral component of the MPP program. In first year, you will take workshops focused on exploring the vast opportunities within public policy and preparing you for your summer internship.  During second year, you will deepen the skills necessary for your job search and career exploration, and attend networking events to connect you to jobs.

Three months after convocation, more than
of graduating students from the MPP Class of 2023 found full-time work in policy-relevant careers
In 2023,
of students from the MPP Class of 2023 secured paid policy-relevant summer internships.
of the Class of 2023 found their full-time job
via their summer internship.

Meet the team

The MPP program has a dedicated Career Services team to support you in your internship and full-time job search. As an MPP student, you will have access to a variety of professional development workshops, networking events, job postings and exclusive MPP Career Resources.

Headshot of Katie Boomgaardt

Program Manager, Internship & Career Placement, Master of Public Policy

Kate Dewasha

Manager, Career Development & Alumni Engagement, Master of Public Policy