
The MPP curriculum features a wide variety of core and elective courses


The MPP's core curriculum provides students with a foundation in quantitative and qualitative analysis, governance, the policy process, comparative analysis, and policy implementation. The core curriculum also includes a mandatory summer internship.

A shot of a stone pillared hallway on the University of Toronto campus, with hanging baskets along the sides.

Year one prep curriculum

First-year core courses


Second-year core courses

Second-year elective courses

Students can pursue their specific policy interests through a selection of elective courses either at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy or through other departments at the University of Toronto.

MPP students will have access to register, on a first-come first-serve basis, starting Aug. 20, 2024.

Graduate students outside of the Munk School ("non-departmental students") may request enrollment in MPP elective courses starting Aug. 27, 2024.
*MPP Policy for Non-Departmental Enrollment in PPG Courses*
Non-departmental students may request enrollment in Elective PPG courses only (not Core PPG courses).
If an elective MPP course is not at full enrolment capacity, an SGS Add Drop Course Form  may be submitted starting Aug. 27, 2024 for Fall term courses, and 4-weeks prior to the Winter term. Enrollment is at the discretion of the MPP Program Office and the course instructor. Once a non-departmental student has verified for enrolment space(s), an SGS Add Drop Course Form  may be submitted by email to 

Please note that elective courses are subject to change with each new academic year.

NB: The MPP program does not permit for either core or elective courses to be audited.