
Gabriel Eidelman teaches MPP and MGA students

Learn from the experts

The Munk School is home to world-class faculty and researchers and has more than 60 core and cross-appointed faculty and academic directors, 34 affiliated named chairs and professorships and some 230 affiliated faculty from across the University of Toronto.

In the Master of Public Policy program, you'll learn from faculty and experienced leaders from a range of disciplines, linking theory with real-world experience.

Get to know the faculty, lecturers and staff that support the MPP program below.

Headshot of Maurice Bitran
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Headshot of Katie Boomgaardt - photo by Alexis MacDonald
Manager, Internships and Career Placement, Master of Public Policy
Program Assistant, Master of Public Policy
*On leave until fall 2024
Headshot of Jonathan Craft
Associate Professor, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science
Headshot of Kate Dewasha
Manager, Career Development and Alumni Engagement
Headshot of Michael Donnelly
Director, Professional Master’s Programs
Associate Professor, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science
Headshot of Gabriel Eidelman
Director, Urban Policy Lab
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Institute for Management and Innovation
Affiliated Faculty, School of Cities
Headshot of Shari Eli
Director, Undergraduate Program in Public Policy
Director, People's History Lab
Associate Professor, Munk School
Associate Professor, Department of Economics
Headshot of Drew Fagan - photo by Alexis MacDonald
Professor, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy
Affiliated Faculty Member, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
Franco, Arturo
Senior Fellow, Munk School
Lecturer, Master of Global Affairs and Master of Public Policy
Special Advisor, Development Policy and Partnerships, The World Bank
Headshot of Diana Fu - photo by Alexis MacDonald
Co-lead, Changing World Order area of focus, Munk School
Director, East Asia Seminar Series
Associate Professor, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science
Headshot of Stephan Heblich
Munk Chair in Applied Economics
Professor, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
Headshot of Petra Jory
Program Coordinator, Master of Public Policy
Headshot of Peter Loewen
Professor, Department of Political Science
Professor, Munk School
Director, PEARL
Robert Vipond Distinguished Professor in Democracy, Department of Political Science
Headshot of Janet Mason
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Ito Peng headshot
Director, Centre for Global Social Policy
Professor, Department of Sociology
Professor, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
Affiliated Faculty, Centre for the Study of Global Japan
Headshot of Rejeanne Puran
Recruitment and Admissions Officer
Headshot of John Robinson
Professor, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
Presidential Advisor on the Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability
Professor, School of the Environment
Healla Sayed-Rahman
Office Assistant, Master of Public Policy Program
Headshot of Janice Stein
Founding Director, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
University Professor
Belzberg Professor of Conflict Management, Department of Political Science
Headshot of Phil Triadafilopoulos
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science
Affiliated Faculty, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
Sessional Lecturer
Headshot of Professor Dan Zuberi
Professor, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work
Professor, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy