Photo by Jamie Napier

Next steps for admitted students

We are looking forward to you joining us this fall!

Checklist of Items "To-Do" Before Commencing your MPP Studies in the Fall

Incoming MPP students are to ensure they have completed the necessary steps below before commencing their MPP studies in September. 

Confirm Admission Decision 

To confirm your acceptance (or decline) of your offer of admission, you must sign, date and upload the completed SGS Confirmation Form to the Grad App Portal by the deadline specified on your School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Offer letter. Not confirming your decision by the deadline will lead to the withdrawal of your Offer.

Pay Non-Refundable Admission Deposit 

A $500 non-refundable tuition deposit is required to secure your spot in the MPP program for this Fall. Payment is made through ACORN by credit card (only). The deposit is automatically put towards your tuition once you matriculate, and it is posted to your ACORN Student Account. 

The deadline to pay the deposit is highlighted in the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Offer letter (which are uploaded onto your GradApp application).

Apply for Study & Co-op Permit


International students should apply for their Canadian study permit and co-op work permit as soon as possible using the Letter of Acceptance for Study Permit Application contained in the SSchool of Graduate Studies (SGS) Offer letter package. A co-op work permit allows students to work full-time in Canada during the Summer Internship. There is no additional fee for the co-op work permit. When completing the study permit application, students can indicate that Internship work is a required component of the MPP program. When asked to provide documents for your study permit application, you will also be asked to upload a “co-op work permit support letter”. Please contact Katie Boomgaardt to request this letter. Further information about your study and co-op permits can be found through the University of Toronto’s Centre for International Experience

Obtain your TCard & Activate your UTORid/ UToronto Email

Starting May 1st you can make an appointment with the TCard Office to get your student ID (TCard), and to activate your UTORid/ UToronto email address.
International students may get their TCard in advance of getting their study permit provided they have an active passport. You can activate your UTORid/ UToronto email before arriving in Toronto, then collect your TCard when you have arrived in Toronto. You need an active UTORid/ UToronto email to access Quercus (the University's course portal) and University of Toronto Housing resources. 

Graduate Housing

There are various housing options for students studying at the University of Toronto. If you wish to stay on-campus, Graduate House has dedicated housing for graduate students. However, space is limited. Most graduate students live off campus. The University has an Off-Campus Housing website to help students find housing. 

Note: Watch-out for housing scams
Unfortunately, students are being targeted for housing scams. The most common scam is a "Phantom Rental" where the landlord tries to rent a place that doesn't exist. The Office of Student Life has some tips to avoid being the victim of a housing scam. 

Apply for Financial Aid & Create a Budget

If you qualify for provincial funding like OSAP, you should apply as soon as the portal opens for new applicants. You are also encouraged to seek other financial resources to fund your degree, such as student loans from your preferred banking institution.
The University of Toronto works closely with Scotiabank but students may seek loans from any bank they prefer.
To learn more about your fees and financial aid options, please visit:

Pay MPP Tuition 

Tuition fees will be charged to your ACORN account, mid-July. You must pay the minimum amount to register in your MPP courses. If you are receiving OSAP or other provincial or government funding, you can defer your tuition on ACORN. If you have received a scholarship greater than the minimum amount to register, you may defer your tuition through the MPP Program Office by emailing a signed copy of the Register Without Payment Form

Information regarding tuition fees and fee payments for 2024-2025 academic year:how to pay your fees, how to defer your fees and deadline dates.

The Econ and Math-Stats Prep courses


The Econ and Math-Stats Prep courses aim to introduce students to key concepts, in preparation of the Fall MPP1 term. More information about the prep courses is sent out to incoming MPPs during the Summer months.

Microeconomics Prep course

The Micro Prep course aims to introduce students to key policy concepts, terms and analysis in preparation of the Microeconomics for Policy Analysis (PPG1002H) course. The Micro Prep course is offered in the Summer before year one as a mix of asynchronous videos, some online quizzes and a few synchronous sessions with the instructor.

Math-Stats Prep course:

Before commencing your Fall term, all incoming MPP students are encouraged to complete the MPP Math-Stats Prep course, which provides a review of many of the mathematical tools required for the first-year quantitative courses. At the end of the Prep course, all students must complete a diagnostic of the Math-Stats topics covered.
While this diagnostic is mandatory of incoming MPP students, there is no “minimum mark” that must be achieved on it. Rather, the purpose of the diagnostic is to provide incoming MPP students with information regarding their readiness for the topics to be covered in the quantitative modules of the MPP1 curriculum.
(Students who do not pass PPG1002H, PPG1004H or PPG1008H must retake the Math-Stats diagnostic with a grade of at least 60% before beginning their MPP2 studies.)

Apply for TA and RA positions 

The University of Toronto begins posting TA positions for the upcoming academic year. TA positions are typically awarded to PhD students, but quite often Masters students are also welcome to apply for undergraduate TAships. Other positions, like RAships and on-campus work, can found on the CLNx website. (You must have an active UTORid to access this site.)

Submit your Official Transcript

Final (official) transcripts must be submitted to the MPP-Munk. 

This can be either, by way of:

a. Digital transcripts ~ sent directly from the your undergraduate institution to (preferred method); or

b. Hard copies in sealed envelopes ~ sent directly by your undergraduate institution to: 
Attention: Rejeanne Puran
Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
14 Queen's Park Crescent West
(Canadiana Gallery), CG-301
Toronto, ON M5S 3K9

Register for Accessibility Services (no later than July 16, 2024)

Accessibility Services supports students who experience difficulties affecting their learning in lectures, labs and/or tutorials through academic and practicum accommodations. Academic accommodations and services are individualized to each student and the learning needs of each course and program. Students must register with Accessibility Services by July 16, 2024 to have the accommodations in place before the start of classes. Registering after this date may delay the accommodation request. Visit the Accessibility Services website for more information.  

Master's programs

Still have questions? Please feel free to get in touch with the MPP Program Office at