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Unissued Diplomas: When your classroom turns into a battlefield, your major becomes bravery

March 4-11, 2024

This event is over

This event took place in-person in the Campbell Conference Facility, Munk School, 1 Devonshire Place, Toronto
We honour the memory of 40 Ukrainian students whose lives were tragically cut short by the full-scale Russian invasion that commenced on February 24, 2022. "Unissued Diplomas" serves as both a tribute to these lost lives and a poignant reminder of the ongoing conflict and the sacrifices made by Ukrainians in their struggle for freedom.
In 2023, the project organized 110 exhibitions across 24 countries, spreading awareness and amplifying the voices of those affected by the war. Despite our efforts, the relentless attacks persist, compelling us to continue the remaining students’ mission of ensuring that the stories of their fallen peers are not forgotten.
While we mourn the 40 students represented in this exhibition, it's essential to recognize that they are just a fraction of the casualties of this conflict. The exact number of student lives lost still unknown as the toll continues to rise.
Originally conceived in Ukraine, the Unissued Diplomas exhibition has now expanded to over 45 universities worldwide, including the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy and Hart House. Each diploma tells the story of a student's life, their aspirations, and the dreams they were unable to fulfill.
Learn more about the project at www.unissueddiplomas.org