Centres, labs & initiatives
The Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy is home to multiple research centres, labs and initiatives.
Not only are many of these academic units home to teaching and exchange programs, they are also leading centres for specialized research and engagement around geographic and thematic areas, bringing together scholars from across the University of Toronto and around the world.
The Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy is home to multiple centres for research & teaching.
These academic units are home to exciting teaching and exchange programs. They are also leading research hubs for specialized analysis and engagement on geographic and thematic areas, drawing together scholars from across the University of Toronto and around the world.
Research Labs
The Munk School’s labs are leaders in producing world-class research and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration.
From the Citizen Lab’s research on NSO spyware and cybersecurity to the Innovation Policy Lab’s work on inclusive innovation, the Munk School’s research labs are producing cutting-edge data and insights, showcasing excellence within the academy and having a tangible impact outside of it.
The Munk School’s initiatives are focused on research and analysis for real-world impact.
From Belt and Road in Global Perspective to the Reach Alliance, the Munk School is home to leading policy and research initiatives.