MQIISP Policy Seminar Series: Session 8 - The Public and Political Landscape - Prospects for the Future of Social Policy
This was the final online policy seminar in the Challenges and Opportunities for Social Policy in the Coming Decade series. The policy seminars were organized in part by policy sector, focusing on the tools available in different sectors; however, each panel considered how policies interconnect, and how vulnerable groups intersect to create concentrations of advantage and disadvantage.
The conference concluded with a panel of public opinion experts on the public and political landscape in Canada and peer countries. How are citizens’ priorities, views on the role of government and trust in institutions changing? How do they vary by demographic, region etc. and what are the implications for public policymaking and the role of social policy? Where are the opportunities for positive changes and innovations in social policy? What are the incentives for political parties to embrace the policy directions outlined in this symposium?
For more information about this series and The Next Wave: Challenges & Opportunities for Social Policy Conference, please visit: