Muhammad Wajid Tahir

Post-doctoral fellow, Global Migration Lab
Muhammad Wajid Tahir

Current affiliations

  • Global Migration Lab
  • Centre for European and Eurasian Studies

Areas of interest

  • International Migration
  • Gender Mainstreaming of Public Policies
  • Integration Policies & Legislation


Main Bio

Dr. Tahir works on public policies/legislation analysis, migration and integration in Europe, gender mainstreaming and labor market participation of women, mix-methods, and computational social sciences. He received his Ph.D. in Comparative Politics & International Development Studies from the Philipps University Marburg, Germany. He has authored two books: (1) Responding to Women Migrant's Needs: Gender and Integration Sensitivity of Legislation in Germany and Sweden (with Springer) and (2) Is Higher Education Enough? Explaining Barriers to Women's Employment in Pakistan (with Shakir Publications) and several research papers in peer-reviewed journals. Currently, he is a post-doctoral fellow at the Global Migration Lab at CEES, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, where he is conducting research on undocumented migrants in Europe and teaching a course on global migration in Political Science. Focusing on migration and integration, he has already implemented a couple of research projects in various European countries. His last research project has focused on developing a computational model to assess the human rights violations of migrants driven by public policies and legislation in Ireland. Dr. Tahir’s second post-doctoral research has focused on public policies, migration, and masculinities in Germany and Italy. In his first post-doctoral research project, he has studied ‘gender’ and ‘integration’ mainstreaming patterns of public policies and legislation relating to labor market participation of women migrants in Germany and Sweden. He has designed and implemented his research projects with the collaboration of Philipps University Marburg, Germany, Gothenburg University, Sweden, Ca’ Foscari University Venice, Italy, and University College Dublin, Ireland. He has participated in the United Nations training programs on gender mainstreaming, gender-responsive budgeting, and gender-responsive evaluations in Bangkok and Turkey. He also participated in different migration schools in the Netherlands, Berlin, and Paris. He has been teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels at the University of Gujrat, Pakistan and Philipps University Marburg, Germany. Dr. Tahir has twenty scholarships/grants in his academic and research career.