Book Launch: Canada Alone: Navigating the post-American World, by Kim Richard Nossal

October 4, 2023 | 12:00PM - 2:00PM
Online & in-person

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This event took place in-person in the Campbell Conference Facility, Munk School, 1 Devonshire Place, Toronto and online via Zoom.
Canada must prepare for an isolationist and unpredictable neighbour to the South should a MAGA leader gain the White House in 2025.
The American-led global order has been increasingly challenged by Chinese assertiveness and Russian revanchism. As we enter this new era of great-power competition, Canadians tend to assume that the United States will continue to provide global leadership for the West.
Canada Alone sketches the more dystopian future that is likely to result if the illiberal, anti-democratic, and authoritarian Make America Great Again movement regains power. Under the twin stresses of a reinvigorated America First policy and the purposeful abandonment of American global leadership, the West will likely fracture, leaving Canadians all alone with an increasingly dysfunctional United States. Canada Alone outlines what Canadians will need to navigate this deeply unfamiliar post-American world.
Sponsor: This event is sponsored by the Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History and the Toronto branch of the Canadian International Council.
Jack Cunningham


Kim Richard Nossal

Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Studies and Centre for International and Defence Policy Studies, Queen's University.