Conceptualizing Uncertainty: Reflections on Risk and Disaster in France and the Francophone World (1600-present)

April 15-16, 2024
Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (CERES), Centre for the Study of France and the Francophone World, Europe & Eurasia

This event is over

This event was held at Burwash Hall, 91 Charles Street West, Rear, Upstairs
Since the 1970s, a large amount of scholarship has analyzed the prediction of risks in early and modern European societies. Building on the concepts of “risk societies” and cultural theories of risk perception, this workshop explored how risk, originally an economic prediction appearing with the birth of capitalism and global industrialization, permeated every aspect of society, from individual decision-making to artistic and scientific practices and state policies. This workshop aimed to develop the existing scholarship, bringing scholars from different disciplines whose work focuses on France and the Francophone world.
Further event details and program available here:
Hayden Bytheway, University of Toronto
Ursula Carmichael, Independent Scholar
Constance de Font-Réaulx, University of Toronto
Marianne Guernet, University of Toronto
Magdalene Klassen, Johns Hopkins University
Nicole Liao, University of Toronto
Pierre Marty, University of Toronto
Jason Nguyen, University of Toronto
Margaret Schotte, York University
Samantha Wesner, University of Toronto
Co-Sponsor: The Department of Art History Co-Sponsor: The Centre for the Study of France and the Francophone World (CEFMF) Co-Sponsor: The Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies
Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (CERES), Centre for the Study of France and the Francophone World, Europe & Eurasia
Tanyaa Mehta


Matthew C. Hunter

McGill University