New Trends in International Forced Displacement: Climate Migration and Skilled Refugees

April 27, 2023 | 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (CERES), Global Migration Lab

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This is an in-person event, located in Room 108N, North House, 1 Devonshire Place
The event includes two talks by Bernardo Bolanos Guerra and Camelia Tigau, Visiting Professors at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, Global Migration Lab. The titles included are: Three-Step Climate Mobility: Disasters, Economic Migration and Forced Displacement by Bernardo Bolanos Guerra and Underemployment as a Violation of the Responsibility to Protect: Objective Representations of Exiled Professionals in Canada by Camelia Tigau.
Three-Step Climate Mobility: Disasters, Economic Migration and Forced Displacement By Bernardo Bolanos Guerra
· Human mobility in Mexico and Central America is linked to climate change, and it can be tracked through environmental degradation, violence and harshening economic conditions.
· Women, children, and the elderly who stay behind after the migration of men are more vulnerable to internal forced displacement caused by organized crime.
· The environmental conditions leading to international migration and forced internal moves are not fundamentally different.
Underemployment as a Violation of the Responsibility to Protect: Objective Representations of Exiled Professionals in Canada by Camelia Tigau
· Labour integration in conditions that contradicts a person`s previous experience (underemployment) provokes emotional and physical damage.
· Recertification should be part of a more encompassing approach to the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in countries of destination.
· Intellectual exiles have an extraordinary capacity to rationalize and even conceptualize conflicts based on their displacement experience, and therefore propose solutions to international conflicts.
About the speakers:
Bernardo Bolanos-Guerra has taught environmental law and political philosophy at the Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico City. His recent work is a proposal for the international regulation of environmental migration. He also reflects on the legal implications of the connection between hydrometeorological processes and forced displacement.
Camelia Tigau is an Associate Researcher at the Center for Research on North America, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and regional vice-president of the Global Research Forum on Diasporas and Transnationalism (GRFDT, India). Her present research aims to outline the differences between voluntary and forced skilled migration.
Co-Sponsored by the Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies  and the Global Migration Lab
Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (CERES), Global Migration Lab
Olga Kesarchuk;


Bernardo Bolanos-Guerra

Professor, Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico City

Camelia Tigau

Associate Researcher, Center for Research on North America, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM); regional vice-president of the Global Research Forum on Diasporas and Transnationalism (GRFDT, India)