CSUS Graduate Student Workshop
Sonic Archives and Vernacular Historiography with Florence Dore and Eric Lott
March 23, 2023 | 10:00AM - 11:30AM
This event is taking place at the Munk School, 1 Devonshire Place, Seminar Room 108, North House, Toronto, Ontario.
Acclaimed scholars and cultural critics Professor Florence Dore (English Department, University of North Carolina) and Professor Eric Lott (American Studies, City University of New York) joined us for a discussion of music, text and method. What constitutes a vernacular archive and how does one approach it as a historian, as a critic, and as a researcher? What is the relationship between theory, method and object and how does each inform the other in the practices of critical engagement? Graduate students shared their projects, questions, and provocations in this graduate workshops.
You can find samples of recent work by professors Lott and Dore here:
- Read Dore's article titled "Good for Nothing: Lorrie Moore’s Maternal Aesthetic and the Return to Form" here: https://post45.org/2020/12/dore-good-for-nothing/
- Read Lott's article titled "Back Door Man: Howlin’ Wolf and the Sound of Jim Crow" here: https://muse.jhu.edu/article/450012
*This workshop was open to University of Toronto graduate students.
Sponsored the Centre for the Study of the United States and co-sponsored by the Department of English, University of Toronto.