A student uses a microscope to examine samples. He is wearing protective gear.
Innovation Policy Lab, Munk School

Fall Lecture 2022: Getting Real on Innovation

Since 2006, Public Policy Forum has hosted an annual Fall Lecture to explore the critical role the public service plays in preserving a resilient and vibrant Canadian society.

Canada’s innovation performance has, for decades now, been a subject of intense public policy debate. While our workforce, our human capital, includes the highest share of university or college graduates in the OECD and we rank first in the G-7 for higher-education for research and development performance, these factors have not translated into sufficient private sector R&D, intellectual property or commercialization.

Canada’s potential to remain competitive in the fast-moving world of the intangibles economy requires coherent policy, leadership from all levels of government and coordination with private firms. There are different perspectives on how to put together an integrated policy mix for success and Canada has the potential to do better. So, what will it take to get us on track?

See the full Fall Lecture agenda from Public Policy Forum