Adrienne Hood

Associate Professor Emerita, Department of History
Adrienne Hood Photo

Areas of interest

  • Atlantic world
  • Britain and Ireland
  • Cultural and intellectual
  • Economy, Technology and Society
  • United States


Main Bio

Professor Hood’s main research interests are production and consumption in early America and the early modern Atlantic world, particularly related to textiles, clothing and fashion. Her work has an interdisciplinary focus and includes material culture theory and methodology, and museology.

Professor Hood’s book, The Weaver’s Craft: Cloth, Commerce, and Industry in Early Pennsylvania, was published in 2003 by the University of Pennsylvania Press. She has published articles in the William and Mary Quarterly, the Journal of Social History, and the Journal of American History, and her work has appeared in several edited volumes and anthologies.

She is presently working on a new project called “Fashion and Memory” that explores the links between museum collections and historical realities, particularly as they relate to clothing and household fabric furnishings in the 18th and early 19th centuries.