Current affiliations

  • Interim Vice-Principal, Academic & Dean, University of Toronto Mississauga

Areas of interest

  • Urban water planning including distribution, treatment and flood protection
  • Collective action and trust in slum communities
  • Infrastructure in developing countries
  • Community participation in urban planning
  • Environmental management
  • Southeast Asia
  • Thailand


Main Bio

Professor Amrita Daniere is a full professor of Geography and Planning. She served as Co-Director of the Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia Partnership (which is funded through the IPaSS program, a cooperative initiative of SSHRC and IDRC). In March 2016, she was appointed Vice-Principal, Academic and Dean at U of T Mississauga for five years (2016-2021). Amrita has worked for over 20 years on issues related to infrastructure provision, urban environmental issues and community governance in Southeast Asian cities including Bangkok, Jakarta and Ho Chi Minh City. The current research project involves bringing together scholars and city builders from across North America and Southeast Asia to study how to better plan for urban climate change impacts, particularly in the rapidly growing secondary cities of Asia. Amrita holds a PhD in Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Select publications

  • Daniere A., Archer D. "Editorial: Adapting cities for transformative climate resilience: lessons from the field," Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 2023,
  • Daniere A., Drummond L., Naranong A., Tran V. "Sustainable Flows: Water Management and Municipal Flexibility in Bangkok and Hanoi," 2022.
  • Naranong A., Daniere A., Takahashi L. "Social Capital and Economic Development," 2022, ISBN 9781840646993.
  • Mcmillan R., Kocsis J., Daniere A. "Rights, justice and climate resilience: lessons from fieldwork in urban Southeast Asia," Environment and Urbanization, 34, 2022,
  • Daniere A., Lamb V. "Asia’s changing cities: water, climate and power in the transformation of urban spaces," International Development Planning Review, 42, 2020,
  • Daniere A., Levkoe C., Friendly A. "Community Service-Learning in Graduate Planning Education," Journal of Planning Education and Research, 40, 2020,
  • Daniere A., Garschagen M. "Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia," 2019,
  • Daniere A., Garschagen M., Thinphanga P. "Why Focusing on Urban Climate Change Resilience in Southeast Asia Is Relevant and Urgent," 2019,
  • Daniere A., Takahashi L. "Economic Growth and Urban Environmental Degradation in the Pacific Rim," 2017,
  • Daniere A., Takahashi L. "Lessons for Improved Environmental Management," 2017,
  • Sotomayor L., Daniere A. "The Dilemmas of Equity Planning in the Global South: A Comparative View from Bangkok and Medellín," Journal of Planning Education and Research, 38, 2017,
  • Phongpaichit P., Baker C., Daniere A. "Unequal Thailand: Aspects of Income, Wealth and Power," Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, 31, 2016,
  • Daniere A., Berquist M., and Drummond L. 2014. “Planning for Global Environmental Change in Bangkok’s Informal Settlements,” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2014,
  • Daniere A., Levkoe C., and Brail S., “Engaged pedagogy and transformative learning in graduate education: a service learning case study,” Canadian Journal of Higher Education 44 (3), 2014, 68-85.
  • Daniere A. and Hy Van Luong. 2012. Vibrant societies and social capital in Asia,” in Amrita Daniere and Van Luong H. (eds.), The Dynamics of Social Capital and Civic Engagement in Asia, Routledge (Taylor and Francis, Ltd.), London, UK, 1-24.
  • Daniere A. and Van Luong H. eds. 2012. The Dynamics of Social Capital and Civic Engagement in Asia, Routledge (Taylor and Francis, Ltd.), London, UK.
  • Daniere A. and Douglas M. eds. 2008. The Politics of Civic Space in Asia: Building Urban Communities, Routledge (Taylor and Francis, Ltd.), London, UK.


PLA 1105
Planning Methods II
Planning for Change: Community Development in Practice
Research Practice in Geography and Planning
Planning with the Urban Poor in the Global South
Workshop in Planning Practice
GGR 345
Environmental Issues in the Developing World
Social Research Methods in Geography
ENV 232
Environmental Sustainability Practicum