Andre Sorensen

Areas of interest
- Planning livable, sustainable cities
- Role of civil society in urban planning governance
- Suburbs and suburban sprawl
- Livable cities in Japan
André Sorensen is Professor in the Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto. His current research examines urban institutions, institutional change, and temporal processes in urbanization and urban governance from a comparative and historical institutionalist perspective, with a focus on urban land and property development, infrastructure management, megacities, and the creation of increasingly differentiated property and planning systems in urban settings. He has published over 60 papers and chapters, and co-edited 5 books, most recently the International Handbook of Megacities and Megacity-Regions. His monograph ‘The Making of Urban Japan: Cities and Planning from Edo to the 21st Century’ (Routledge 2002) was awarded the book prize of the International Planning History Society in 2004. His paper ‘Taking Path Dependence Seriously’ (2015) published in Planning Perspectives 30(1)17-38, won the Association of European Schools of Planning Best Paper Award in 2016.
Select publications
- Sorensen, A., & Labbé, D. (2020). "Chapter 1: Megacities, megacity-regions, and the endgame of urbanization". In Handbook of Megacities and Megacity-Regions. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved Jun 4, 2024, from
- Sorensen, A. (2020). "Chapter 4: Urbanization and developmental pathways: critical junctures of urban transition". In Handbook of Megacities and Megacity-Regions. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved Jun 4, 2024, from
- Sorensen, A. & J. Okata (eds.). (2011). Megacities, Urban Form, Governance, and Sustainability. Tokyo, Springer Verlag. 418 pages.
- Sorensen, A. & Funck, C. (eds.). (2009). Living Cities in Japan: Citizens' Movements, Machizukuri and Local Environments. London: Routledge, 283 pages, paperback edition.
- Sorensen, A. & Funck, C. (eds.). (2007). Living Cities in Japan: Citizens’ Movements, Machizukuri and Local Environments. London: Routledge Nissan/Routledge Japan Studies, Series Editor J.A.A Stockwin, 283 pages.
- Sorensen, A., P. Marcotullio & J. Grant (eds.). (2004). Towards Sustainable Cities: East Asian, North American and European Perspectives. London: Ashgate, 308 pages.
- Sorensen A. (2004). The Making of Urban Japan: Cities and planning from Edo to the twenty-first century. London: Routledge, 386 pages paperback edition.
- Sorensen A. (2002). The Making of Urban Japan: Cities and planning from Edo to the twenty-first century. London: Routledge, Nissan/Routledge Japan Studies, Series Editor J.A.A Stockwin, 386 pages.
Refereed journal papers
- Sorensen, A. (2022). Taking critical junctures seriously: theory and method for causal analysis of rapid institutional change. Planning Perspectives, 38(5), 929–947.
- Hess, P., Piper, M., & Sorensen, A. (2022). Can We Retrofit Suburban Arterials? Analyzing the Walkability and Retrofit Potential of Four Toronto Region Corridors. Journal of the American Planning Association, 89(1), 16–30.
- Sorensen, A. (2023). Urban intensification and land value capture in Toronto: Conjunctural analysis, critical junctures, and developmental pathways in urban planning. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 0(0).
- Sorensen, A. (2023). [Review of the book Modern Kyoto: Building for Ceremony and Commemoration, 1868–1940, by Alice Y. Tseng]. The Journal of Japanese Studies 49(1), 181-184.
- Sorensen, A., Bortolussi, I., Chong, I., Gowie, J., Shankar, N. G., & Vigayan, K. A. (2021). The Scarborough Opportunity: A comprehensive walking and cycling network. UTSC Suburban Mobilities Research Cluster.
- Sorensen, A., & Brenner, A.-K. (2021). Cities, urban property systems, and sustainability transitions: Contested processes of institutional change and the regulation of urban property development. Sustainability, 13(15), 8429.
- Sorensen, A. (2020). Public Norms and Aspirations: the Turn to Institutions in Action: by W. G. M. Salet, London, New York, Routledge, 2018, 176 pp., RTPI Library Series, £29.59 US$39.96 (Hardback), ISBN 9780367331931. Planning Theory & Practice, 21(5), 808–811.
- Sorensen, A. (2019). Tokaido Megalopolis: lessons from a shrinking mega-conurbation. International Planning Studies, 24(1)
- Friedmann, J., & Sorensen, A. (2019). City unbound: emerging mega-conurbations in Asia. International Planning Studies, 24(1), 1-12.
- Sorensen, A. (2018). Multiscalar governance and institutional change: critical junctures in European spatial planning. Planning Perspectives, 33(4), 615-632.
- Sorensen, A. (2018). ‘Institutions in urban space: Land, infrastructure and governance in the production of urban property.’ Planning Theory and Practice 19(1): 21-38.
- Sorensen, A. (2016). 'Periurbanization as the institutionalization of place: The case of Japan.' Cities 51: 1-7.
- Sorensen, A. and Hess, P. (2015) “Building Suburbs, Toronto Style: Institutions, planning, critical junctures, and continuity” Town Planning Review 84(4) 411-436 (50% Sorensen, 50 % Hess)
- Hess, P. and Sorensen, A. (2015) “Compact, Concurrent, And Contiguous: Smart Growth And 50 Years Of Residential Planning In The Toronto Region” Urban Geography 36(1) 127-151 (50% Hess, 50% Sorensen)
- Sorensen, A. (2015) “Taking Path Dependence Seriously: A historical institutional research agenda for planning history” Planning Perspectives, Published online February 2014
- Sorensen, A. (2011). Evolving Property Rights in Japan: Patterns and Logics of Change. Urban Studies, 48(3), 471-491.
- Sorensen, A. (2011). Uneven processes of institutional change: Path dependence, scale, and the contested regulation of urban development in Japan. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 35(4), 712-734.
- Sorensen, A. & Sagaris, L. (2010). From Participation to the Right to the City: Democratic place management at the neighbourhood scale in comparative perspective. Planning Practice and Research, 25(3), 297-316.
- Sorensen, A. (2010). Land, property rights and planning in Japan: institutional design and institutional change in land management. Planning Perspectives, 25(3), 279-302.
- Sorensen, A. (2010). Suburbs and Suburbanization. Encyclopaedia of Geography. Sage.
- Sorensen, A. (2010). Urban Sprawl. Encyclopaedia of Geography. Sage.
- Sorensen, A. (2010). Suburbs and Suburban Sprawl. Encyclopaedia of the Modern World. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Sorensen, A., Fujii, S. & Okata, J. (2010). Urban Renaissance as Intensification: Deregulation and the Rescaling of Place Governance in Tokyo’s High-rise Building Boom. Urban Studies, 47(3), 556-584.
- Sorensen, A. (2009). Neighborhood Streets as Meaningful Spaces: Claiming Rights to Shared Spaces in Tokyo. City & Society, 21(2), 207-229.
- Sorensen, A. (2007). Liveable Cities in Japan: Population ageing and decline as vectors of change. International Planning Studies, 11(3/4), 225-242.
- Sorensen, A. (2006). Challenges for regional Cities in Japan. Contribution to Interface section, Planning Theory and Practice, 7 (4), 470-475.
- Sorensen, A. (2003). Building World City Tokyo: Globalization and Conflict over Urban Space. Annals of Regional Science, 37(3), 519-531.
- Sorensen, A. (2003). Megalopolitan Development and the Transformation of Rural Japan: Sustainability Implications of Extended Metropolitan Regions in Asia, in Human Settlement Development section, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Sassen, S. (ed.). Paris: UNESCO, 17 pages.
- Sorensen, A. (2001). Building Suburbs in Japan: Continuous unplanned change on the urban fringe. Town Planning Review, 72(3), 247-273.
- Sorensen, A. (2001). Urban Planning and Civil Society in Japan: The Role of the Taisho Period Home Ministry in Japanese Urbanisation and Planning. Planning Perspectives, 16(4), 383-406 .
- Sorensen, A. (2001). Subcentres and Satellite Cities: Tokyo’s 20th Century Experience of Planned Polycentrism. International Journal of Planning Studies, 6(1), 9-32.
- Sorensen, A. (2000). Land Readjustment and Metropolitan Growth: an Examination of Suburban Land Development and Urban Sprawl in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. Progress in Planning, 53(4), 1-113.
- Sorensen, A. (2000). Conflict, Consensus, or Consent: Implications of Japanese Land Readjustment Practice for Developing Countries. Habitat International, 24(1), 51-73.
- Sorensen, A. (1999). Land Readjustment, Urban Planning and Urban Sprawl in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. Urban Studies, 36(13), 2333-2360
Book chapters
- Sorensen, A. (2018). ‘Institutions in Urban Space.’ in Institutions in Action. W. Salet. (ed.) London, Routledge.
- Sorensen, A. (2018). ‘Differentiated landscapes of suburban property: path dependence and the political logics of land ownership institutions.’ Suburban Land and Property. U. Lehrer and R. Harris. (eds.). Toronto, University of Toronto Press.
- Sorensen, A. (2017). ‘New Institutionalism and Planning Theory.’ Routledge Handbook of Planning Theory. M. Gunder, A. Madanipour and V. Watson. (eds.). London, New York, Routledge.
- Sorensen, A. (2017). ‘Planning History and Theory: Institutions, comparison, and temporal processes.’ Routledge Handbook of Planning History. C. Hein. (ed.). London, New York, Routledge.
- Sorensen, A. (2017). ‘Global Suburbanization in Planning History,’ Routledge Handbook of Planning History. C. Hein. (ed.) London, New York, Routledge.
- Sorensen, A. (2017). ‘National Urban Systems in an Era of Transnationalism.’ Urbanization in a Global Context: A Canadian Readers Guide. A. Bain and L. Peake. (eds.). Oxford, London, New York, Oxford University Press.
- Sorensen, A. (2017). ‘Future Visions of Tokyo that Mattered: Utopian concepts and unanticipated outcomes.’ Urban Asias: Essays on Futurity Past and Present. T. Bunnell and D. P. S. Goh. (eds.). Berlin, Jovis.
- Sorensen, A. (2016). Visions of the Good City in the Rapid Growth Period. Cartographic Japan. K. Wigen, F. Sugimoto and C. Karacas. (eds.). Chicago, University of Chicago Press: 207-209.
- Sorensen, A. (2016). Rebuilding Tokyo after the Great Kanto Earthquake. Cartographic Japan. K. Wigen, F. Sugimoto and C. Karacas. (eds.). Chicago, University of Chicago Press: 155-157.
- Sorensen, A. (2015) “Transforming land into property: institutions and institutional borrowing” in Connections: a Festschrift for Patsy Healey J. Hillier and J. Metzger, (eds.) London: Ashgate, pp.423-436
- Sorensen, A. and Watanabe Shun-Ichi (forthcoming) Den-En Chôfu, the first Japanese ‘Garden City’: Preservation of an iconic planned community in Tokyo? The Heritage of Iconic Planned Communities: The Challenges of Change I. Gournay, M. Sies, and R. Freestone, (eds.). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Sorensen, A. (2012). Shrinking cities and liveability in Japan: emerging relationships and challenges, in Urban Spaces in Japan: Cultural and Social Perspectives, Brumman, C. & Schulz, E. (eds.). London: Routledge, 203-220.
- Sorensen, A. (2012). The State and Social Capital in Japan: (re)scripting the standard operating practices of neighborhood civic engagement, in The Dynamics of Social Capital and Civic Engagement in Asia, Daniere, A. & Luong, H.V. (eds.). Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK, Routledge, 163-181.
- Sorensen, A. (2011). Post-Suburban Tokyo? Urbanization, Suburbanization, Reurbanization, in International Perspectives on Suburbanization: A Post-suburban World?, Phelps, N.A. & Wu, F. Houndsmills, Hampshire, UK. New York, New York, USA, Palgrave MacMillan, 210-224.
- Sorensen, A. (2011). Uneven Geographies of Vulnerability: Tokyo in the 21st Century, in Asian Cities: Risks and Resilience, Hamnett, S. & Forbes, D. (eds.). Planning London: Routledge, 40-66.
- Sorensen, A. (2011). Toronto Megacity: Growth, Planning Institutions, Sustainability, in Megacities: Urban Form and Sustainability, Sorensen, A. & Okata, J. (eds.). Tokyo: Springer Verlag, 245-271.
- Sorensen, A. (2011). Conclusions: Megacities, Urban form, Development, and Governance, in Megacities, Urban form and Sustainability. Sorensen, A. & Okata, J. (eds.). Tokyo: Springer Verlag, 397-418.
- Sorensen, A. & Okata, J. (2011). Introduction: Megacities, Urban Form and Sustainability, in Megacities, Urban form and Sustainability. Sorensen, A. & Okata, J. (eds.). Tokyo: Springer Verlag, 1 -12.
- Sorensen, A. (2010). Urban Sustainability and Compact Cities Ideas in Japan: The diffusion, transformation and deployment of planning concepts, in Crossing Borders: International Exchange and Planning Practices, Healey, P. & Upton, R. London and New York: Routledge, 117-140.
- Sorensen, A. (2008). Growth Management in Toronto’ chapter, in Growth Management in Comparative Perspective (in Japanese), Hideki, K. (ed.).
- Sorensen, A., Hideki, K. & Miyamoto, A. (2008). Machizukuri, Civil Society, and Community Space in Japan, in Community Space and the City in Asia, Daniere, A. & Douglass, M. (eds). London: Routledge.
- Sorensen A. (2007). Changing Governance of Shared Spaces: Machizukuri in historical institutional perspective, Chapter 3 in Living Cities in Japan: Citizens’ movements, community building, and local environments, Sorensen, A. & Funck, C. (eds). London: Routledge, 56-90.
- Sorensen, A. & Funck, C. (2007). Living Cities in Japan: Introductio, Chapter 1 in Living Cities in Japan: Citizens’ movements, community building, and local environments, Sorensen, A. & Funck, C. (eds). London: Routledge, 1-36
- Fujii, S., Okata, J., & Sorensen A. (2007). Inner-city Redevelopment in Tokyo: Conflicts over urban place, planning governance, and neighborhoods, Chapter 12 in Living Cities in Japan: Citizens’ movements, community building, and local environments, Sorensen, A. & Funck, C. (eds). London: Routledge, 247-266
- Sorensen, A. & Funck, C. (2007). Conclusions, Chapter 13 in Living Cities in Japan: Citizens’ movements, community building, and local environments, Sorensen, A. & Funck, C. (eds). London: Routledge, 269-279.
- Sorensen A. (2007). Consensus, Persuasion, and Opposition: Land Readjustment Organizing in Japan, in Analyzing Land Readjustment: Economics, Law, and Collective Action, Hong, Y.H. & Needham, B. (eds.). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Lincoln Institute for Land Policy, 89-114.
- Sorensen, A. (2006). Centralization, urban planning governance, and citizen participation in Japan, Chapter 5 in Cities, Autonomy and Decentralization, Hein, C. & Pelletier, P. (eds). London: Curzon/Routledge, 101-127.
- Sorensen, A. (2005). The Developmental State and the Extreme Narrowness of the Public Realm: The 20th Century Evolution of Japanese Planning Culture, in Comparative Planning Cultures, Sanyal, B. (ed.) London: Routledge, 223-258.
- Sorensen, A. (2004). Major Issues of Land Management for More Sustainable Urban Regions in Japan, Chapter 12 in Towards Sustainable Cities: East Asian, North American and European Perspectives, Sorensen, A. Marcotullio, P. & Grant, J. (eds.). London: Ashgate, 197-216.
- Sorensen A., P. Marcotullio, J. Grant (2004). Towards Sustainable Cities, Chapter 1 in Towards Sustainable Cities: East Asian, North American and European Perspectives, Sorensen, A., Marcotullio, P. & Grant, J. (eds.). London: Ashgate, 3-23.
- Grant J., Marcotullio, P. & Sorensen, A. (2004). Towards Land Management Policies for more Sustainable Cities, Conclusions of Towards Sustainable Cities: East Asian, North American and European Perspectives, Sorensen, A., Marcotullio, P. & Grant, J. (eds.) London: Ashgate, 301-308.
Awards & recognition
- Best Paper Prize 2016 Association of European Schools of Planning for Sorensen, A. (2015). 'Taking Path Dependence Seriously: An historical institutionalist research agenda in planning history.' Planning Perspectives 30(1): 17-38.
- 2004 International Planning History Society Book Prize, “Best English-language book in Planning History 2001-2003” for “The Making of Urban Japan”