Angelica Pesarini

Current affiliations
- Centre for Diaspora & Transnational Studies
- Global Migration Lab
- Department of Italian Studies
Areas of interest
- Black Italia, Black Europe and the Black Mediterranean
- Colonial and (post)colonial Italy
- Racialization of the political discourse on immigration
- Oral sources, diasporic memories, and counter-narratives
- Difficult heritage and resignification of public spaces
- Black Feminist Thought and Black Feminist Epistemology
- Afro- descendent Cultural Production
Angelica Pesarini is an Assistant Professor in Race and Cultural Studies/Race and Diaspora and Italian Studies at the University of Toronto. Her work seeks to expand the field of Black Italia focusing on dynamics of race, gender, identity, and citizenship. She is interested in the racialization of the political discourse on immigration, and she is among the co-founders of The Black Mediterranean Collective, which published The Black Mediterranean: Bodies, Borders, and Citizenship (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021). She wrote several essays, peer-reviewed articles, book chapters and delivered numerous talks and public lectures internationally. She is the author of a short story in Future. Il domani narrato dalle voci di oggi (Future. Tomorrow narrated by today’s voices, 2019), an anthology written by eleven Italian women of African descent, and she co-translated into Italian Undercommons. Fugitive Planning and Black Study by Fred Moten and Stefano Harney, and Blues Legacies and Black feminism by Angela Y. Davis. Angelica is currently writing a book on the lived experience of Black “mixed race” Italian women during the (post)colonial fascist period in East Africa, and the use of oral sources as counter-narratives. As a scholar- activist, she is engaged in the Italian anti-racist movement, and she is investigating the impacts of BLM in Italy.
Select publications
- (Ir)reparability Begins in the Body: Towards a Museum of Disrepair (2023)
- Making visible the invisible: Colonial sources and counter body-archives in the boarding schools for Black “mixed race” Italian children in fascist East Africa (2023)
- "Africa's Delivery Room": The Racialization of Italian Political Discourse on the 80th Anniversary of the Racial Laws (2022)
- From Colston to Montanelli: public memory and counter-monuments in the era of Black Lives Matter. (2021)
- The Black Mediterranean. Bodies, Borders and Citizenship (2021)
- Questioni di privilegio. L' Italia e i suoi George Floyd - Il lavoro culturale (2020)