Anita McGahan

Professor, Rotman School of Management
Cross-appointment, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
George E. Connell Chair in Organizations & Society, Rotman School of Management
Anita McGahan

Areas of interest

  • Private Entrepreneurship
  • Global Health


Main Bio

Anita McGahan is a member of the Innovation Policy Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy. Professor of Strategic Management at the Rotman School of Management, where she holds the George E. Connell Chair in Organizations & Society. Her research is focused on private entrepreneurship in the public interest. She has written on industry change, sustainable competitive advantage and the establishment of new fields. An area of particular interest is global health and the diffusion of knowledge across international boundaries.

Select publications

1. “Organizations, Authority, and the Humanities,” Claudine Gartenberg and Anita M. McGahan (August 25, 2022) in Adler PS, Adly A, Armanios DE, et al. Authoritarianism, Populism, and the Global Retreat of Democracy: A Curated Discussion, Journal of Management Inquiry 31:4, 1-18, available at doi:10.1177/10564926221119395

2. “Structural Advocacy Organizations and Intersectional Outcomes: Effects of Women’s Police Stations on Female Homicides,” Paulo Arvate, Sandro Cabral, Anita M. McGahan, and Paulo Reis (May/June, 2022), Public Administration Review 82:3, pp. 503-521, available at

3. “Socially Irresponsible Employment in Emerging-Market Manufacturers,” Gregory Distelhorst and Anita M. McGahan, Organization Science (December 17, 2021),, available at  

4.“Sustainability and global value chains in Africa: Introduction to the Special Issue,” Joerg S. Hofstetter, Anita M. McGahan, Brian S. Silverman, Baniyelme D. Zoogah (2022). Africa Journal of Management 8:1, 1-14, DOI: 10.1080/23322373.2021.2018220

5. “The State of the Union in the Field of Strategic Management:  Great Theories.  Imperative Problems.”  Anita M. McGahan.  2022.  Strategic Management Review 3: 1, pp 25-34, available at

6. “Eliminating Malaria in Conflict Zones: Public Health Strategies Developed in the Sri Lanka Civil War,” Abrar Ahmed, Kara Grace Hounsell, Talha Sadiq, Mariam Naguib, Kirstyn Koswin, Chetha Dharmawansa, Thavachchelvi Rasan, and Anita M. McGahan, British Management Journal (December 27, 2021), e007453, doi:10.1136/ bmjgh-2021-007453, available at

7.“Integrating Insights from the Resource-Based View of the Firm into the New Stakeholder Theory,” Anita M. McGahan, Journal of Management 47:7 (September, 2021), pp. 1734-1756, available at

8. “There is no planet B:  Stakeholder governance that aligns incentives to preserve the Amazon rainforest,” Anita M. McGahan and Leandro Pongeluppe in (Ed.), Proceedings of the Eighty-First Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (August 2021), available at

9. “Purpose in the For-Profit Firm: A Review and Framework for Management Research,” Gerard George, Martine R. Haas, Anita M. McGahan, Simon J.D. Schillebeeckx, Paul Tracey, Journal of Management (April, 2021), available at

10. “Managerial strategies to overcome vaccine deployment challenges among the hardest to reach: Lessons from polio elimination in India,” Alejandra Bellatin, Azana Hyder, Sampreeth Rao, Peter Zhang, Anita M. McGahan, British Management Journal (2021) 6:4, pp. 1-5, available at and doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2021-005125