Carmen Cheung Ka-Man

Carmen Cheung Ka-Man is Executive Director at the Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA), an international human rights organization dedicated to working with impacted communities to seek truth, justice and redress for crimes against humanity, war crimes, torture, and other core international crimes through innovative litigation and transitional justice strategies. An international litigator, Cheung Ka-Man specializes in litigating human rights cases in domestic courts, and has acted as counsel in significant public interest cases in the United States and Canada involving torture, extrajudicial killings, and other serious rights violations. Prior to joining CJA, she was a Professor of Global Practice at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, where her research and teaching focused on security and human rights. At the University of Toronto, Cheung Ka-Man also served as Associate Director of the Trudeau Centre for Peace, Conflict, & Justice, as well as Executive Director of the Global Justice Lab. She received her JD from Columbia Law School and graduated with an AB in Social Studies from Harvard University.
Updated July 2023