Areas of interest

  • Environmental Issues
  • Foodways
  • Gender studies
  • Gifts and Commodities
  • Indonesia
  • Popular culture
  • Reciprocity
  • Urban studies
  • Youth studies


Main Bio

Dylan Clark is a cultural anthropologist whose work centers on the production of collectivities, including cultures, nations, genders, and subcultures. He is particularly interested in the assumption of culture by youths and young adults.

Select publications

"Neoliberal Frontiers: Capitalist Expansion and Informal Economies of Indonesia," 2009. Jurnal Analisis Sosial.  (Published in Indonesian: Batas Neoliberal: Perluasan Kapitalis Dan Perekonomian Informal di Indonesia." 

"The Raw and the Rotten: Punk Cuisine ," 2004. Ethnology. 

"The Death and Life of Punk: The Last Subculture ," 2003, chapter in Muggleton and Weinzierl's Post-Subcultures Reader.  Oxford: Berg. 

"Waker Cells and Subcultural Resistance ," 2004, Peace Review.

"Notes: Music and the Education of Anger ," 2001.  Journal of Thought.

"New Year's Eve: High Holy Day for Capitalism ," 2004, Journal of Mundane Behavior


Introduction to Contemporary Asian Studies
Global Asian Studies: Sites and Practices
Asian Youth Cultures
Asian Genders