Ju Hui Judy Han

Ju Hui Judy Han is a cultural geographer and assistant professor in Gender Studies at UCLA. She is committed to building critical and transnational conversations concerning gender, sexuality, and activism, and regularly contributes to community-based projects and public events both on campus and beyond.
Her comics and writings about (im)mobilities, religion and faith-based movements, and queer politics have been published in Journal of Asian Studies, Critical Asian Studies, positions: asia critique, and Journal of Korean Studies as well as in several edited books including Religion, Protest, Social Upheaval (2022), Ethnographies of U.S. Empire (2018), Territories of Poverty: Rethinking North and South (2015), and Q&A: Queer in Asian America (1998). She is the author of Queer Throughlines: Spaces of Queer Activism in South Korea and the Korean Diaspora (forthcoming in 2025, University of Michigan Press) and co-author of Against Abandonment: Repertoires of Solidarity in South Korean Protest (forthcoming in 2025, Stanford University Press) with Jennifer Jihye Chun. She is a co-editor for Detours: A Decolonial Guide to Korea (in progress).
Professor Han regularly teaches the Gender Studies undergraduate core class on power (102), elective courses on transnational feminist politics (131) and comics (185), as well as graduate seminars on feminist geographies, queer temporalities, and research design and professional development.
Select publications
- Han, J.J. 2023. Placing Infrastructure. Korean Anthropology Review 7: 65-69.
- Han, J.J. 2022. Out of Place in Time: Queer Discontents and Sigisangjo. Journal of Asian Studies 81 (1): 119-129.
- Han, J.J. 2022. LGBTQ+ Politics and The Queer Thresholds of Heresy. In Religion, Protest, Social Upheaval, eds. M.T. Eggemeier, P.J. Fritz, and K.V. Guth. New York: Fordham University Press.
- Han, J.J. 2021. The Politics of Postponement and Sexual Minority Rights in South Korea. In Rights Claiming in South Korea, eds. C. L. Arrington and P. Goedde, 236-252. London: Cambridge University Press.
- Han, J.J. 2020. The Queer Thresholds of Heresy. The Journal of Korean Studies 25 (2): 407-428.
- Han, J.J. 2020. High-Altitude Protests and Necropolitical Digits. In Digital Lives in the Global City: Contesting Infrastructures, eds. D. Cowen, A. Mitchell, E. Paradis, and B. Story, 175-178. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
- Han, J.J. 2019. Singing from the Margins. The Immanent Frame: Secularism, religion, and the public sphere. January 24, 2019.
- Han, J.J. 2018. Shifting Geographies of Proximity: Korean-led Evangelical Christian Missions and the U.S. Empire. In Ethnographies of U.S. Empire, eds. C. McGranahan and J. Collins, 194-213. Durham: Duke University Press.
- Han, J.J. 2017. Becoming Visible, Becoming Political: Faith and Queer Activism in South Korea. The Scholar & Feminist Online 14 (2).
- Han, J.J. 2016. The Politics of Homophobia in South Korea. East Asia Forum Quarterly 8 (2): 6-7.
- Chun, Jennifer J. and Han, J.J. 2015. Language Travels and Global Aspirations of Korean Youth. positions: asia critique 23 (3): 565-593.
- Han, J.J. 2015. Urban megachurches and contentious religious politics in Seoul. In Handbook of Religion and the Asian City: Aspiration and Urbanization in the Twenty-First Century, ed. Peter van der Veer, 133-151. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Han, J.J. 2015. K’uiŏ Chŏngch’iwa K’uiŏ Chijŏnghak. [Queer Politics and Queer Geopolitics], Munhwa/Kwahak 83: 62-81. In Korean.
- Han, J.J. 2015. Our Past, Your Future: Korean Missionaries and the Script of Prosperity. In Territories of Poverty: Rethinking North and South, eds. A. Roy and E.S. Crane, 178-194. Athens: University of Georgia Press.
- Han, J.J. and Chun, Jennifer J. 2014. Introduction to Gender and Politics in Contemporary Korea. Journal of Korean Studies 19 (2): 245-255.
- Na, Tari Young-Jung, translated by Ju Hui Judy Han and Se-Woong Koo. 2014. The South Korean Gender System: LGBTI in the Contexts of Family, Legal Identity, and Military. Journal of Korean Studies 19 (2): 357-377.
- Han, J.J. 2013. Beyond Safe Haven: a Critique of Christian Custody of North Korean Migrants in China. Critical Asian Studies 45 (4): 533-560.
- Han, J.J. 2011. “If You Don’t Work, You Don’t Eat”: Evangelizing Development in Africa. In New Millennium South Korea: Neoliberal Capital and Transnational Movements, ed. J. Song, 142-158. London: Routledge.
- Han, J.J. 2010. Reaching the Unreached in the 10/40 Window: The Missionary Geoscience of Race, Difference and Distance. In Mapping the End Times: American Evangelical Geopolitics and Apocalyptic Visions, eds. J. Dittmer and T. Sturm, 183-207. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing.
- Han, J.J. 2010. Neither Friends nor Foes: Thoughts on Ethnographic Distance. Geoforum 41 (1): 11-14.
- Han, J.J. 2008. Missionary. Aether: the Journal of Media Geography 3: 58-83.
Awards & recognition
- UCLA Center for the Study of Women/Barbra Streisand Center, inaugural Barbra Streisand Fellowship on Truth in the Public Sphere.
- Podcast Support Grant, University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI). 2021-22.
- Society of Hellman Fellows Award, UCLA. 2021-22.
- UCLA Faculty Career Development Award. 2018-2019.
- Co-Applicant, “Protesting Publics in South Korea,” Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grant. PI: Jennifer Jihye Chun. 2015-2020.
- Co-Investigator, “Urban Aspirations in Seoul: Religion and Megacities in Comparative Studies,” Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity and the Academy of Korean Studies. 2011-2017.