Marc Ringel

Director of the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transitions, Sciences Po, Paris
Marc Ringel Photo


Main Bio

Prof. Dr. Marc Ringel is Director of the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transitions at Sciences Po, Paris, France. He reads energy policy, energy efficiency and environmental economics as full professor at Nuertingen Geislingen University, Germany and is visiting fellow with the University of Brussels (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Belgium. As former official with the Directorate General Energy of the European Commission and with the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy he continues to be deeply involved in the development and economic assessment of national and European energy efficiency policy frameworks. He supports policy-oriented research for several national energy action plans and key strategic EU policy actions. Marc holds a Master in Economics from Mainz University and Université d’Angers, France. His PhD thesis focussed on energy policy measures to combat climate change, his habilitation thesis on sustainability management in the public sector.