Naisargi Dave
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology
Areas of interest
- Sociocultural Anthropology
- South and Southeast Asia
Main Bio
To view Professor Dave’s biography, please visit the Department of Anthropology website
Select publications
- 2023. Indifference: On the Praxis of Interspecies Being. Durham: Duke University Press.
- 2023. A Writing Life. Anthropology & Humanism.
- 2023. The Permissible & the Perverse: Indian Geographies of Interspecies Sex. With Alok Gupta.Environment & Planning E.
- 2022. Love & Other Injustices: On Humans, Animals, and an Ethics of Indifference. • Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East Volume 42, Number 3, December 2022
- 2021. For a Synaesthetics of Seeing. The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology 39(1): 143-149.
- 2019. Kamadhenu’s Last Stand: On Animal Refusal to Work. In How Nature Works: Rethinking Labor on a Troubled Planet, Sarah Besky and Alex Blanchette, eds. University of New Mexico Press.
- 2019. Narcissus. In Anthropocene Unseen: A Lexicon, Anand Pandian and Cymene Howe, eds. Punctum Books.
- 2019. The Tyranny of Consistency. In Messy Eating: Conversations on Animals as Food, Samantha King, et al, eds. Fordham University Press.
- 2017. Something, Everything, Nothing; or, Cows, Dogs, and Maggots. Social Text 35 (1): 35-57.
- 2017. Witness: Humans, Animals, and the Politics of Becoming. In Unfinished: The Anthropology of Becoming, Joao Biehl and Peter Locke, eds. Duke University Press.
- 2015. Brighupati Singh & Naisargi Dave. On the Killing and Killability of Animals: Nonmoral Thoughts for the Anthropology of Ethics. Comparative Studies in South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East 35(2): 232-245.
- 2014. Witness: Humans, Animals, and the Politics of Becoming. Cultural Anthropology 29(3): 433-456. Reprinted, with minor edits, in Unfinished (2017).
- 2014. Death and Family: Queer Archives of the Space Between. In Leela Fernandes (ed.), The Handbook on Gender in South Asia. London: Routledge.
- 2012. Queer Activism in India: A Story in the Anthropology of Ethics. Durham: Duke University Press. (South Asia edition published in 2016, New Delhi: Zubaan)
- 2011. Indian and Lesbian and What Came Next: Affect, Commensuration, and Queer Emergences. American Ethnologist 38 (4): 650-665.
- 2011. “Abundance and Loss: Queer Intimacies in South Asia.” Feminist Studies 37(1): 1-15.
- 2011. “Activism as Ethical Practice: Queer Politics in Contemporary India.” Cultural Dynamics. 23(1): 3-20.
- 2011. “Ordering Justice, Fixing Dreams: An Ethnography of Queer Legal Activism.” In Law Like Love: Queer Perspectives on Law in India. Arvind Narrain and Alok Gupta, editors. Pp. 25-42. New Delhi: Yoda Press.
- 2010. “To Render Real the Imagined: An Ethnographic History of Lesbian Community in India.” In Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 35(3): 595-619.
Book Reviews & Other Essays
- 2018. What it Feels Like to Be Free: The Tense of Justice. Forum on “Justice,” Cultural Anthropology.
- 2015. What Animals Teach Us About Politics. By Brian Massumi. Somatosphere.
- 2015. Queer Respites. Forum on “Queer Futures,” Cultural Anthropology.
- 2015. Naisargi N. Dave and Tom Boellstorff. Introduction: The Production and Reproduction of Queer Anthropology. Forum on “Queer Futures,” Cultural Anthropology online.
- 2014. Deviations. By Gayle Rubin. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 20(1):176-177.
- 2008. “Impossible Desires: Queer Diasporas and South Asian Public Cultures. By Gayatri Gopinath.” American Ethnologist 35(4): 4090-4094.