Rakesh Sengupta

Affiliate, Centre for South Asian Studies, Asian Institute
Assistant Professor, Department of English, UTSC
Assistant Professor, Cinema Studies Institute
Rakesh Sengupta

Areas of interest

  • South Asia cinemas
  • Film history
  • Media archaeology
  • Critical theory
  • Global media cultures


Main Bio

Rakesh Sengupta is Assistant Professor in English and Cinema Studies at the University of Toronto. His research and writings on South Asian film culture have been published in Theory, Culture & Society, BioScope, and The Wire among other journals and periodicals. Rakesh has previously taught at the University of Amsterdam and holds a PhD from SOAS, University of London.

Select publications

  • (2023). Writers as Workers: The Making of a Film Trade Union in India. In R. Davies, P. Russo, C. Tieber. (Eds.), Handbook of Screenwriting Studies. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • (2021). Towards a Decolonial Media Archaeology: The Absent Archive of Screenwriting History and the Obsolete Munshi. Theory, Culture & Society, 38(1), 3-26.
  • (2021). Scripting for the Masses: Notes on the Political Economy of Bollywood. In C. Batty, S. Taylor. (Eds.), Handbook of Script Development. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • (2021). Stardom. Special Issue on Keywords from South Asian Cinema. Bioscope: South Asian Screen Studies. (Co-authored with Rachel Dwyer)