Rhonda McMichael

A long-serving senior executive in Ontario’s provincial government and the broader public sector, Rhonda McMichael has extensive experience in strategic planning, policy and program leadership, marketing and communications. Currently the ADM of Strategic Partnerships at the Ministry of Health, she leads the implementation of Ontario Health Teams, the transformation of Home and Community Care, and relations with the province’s health agency, Ontario Health. During the COVID-19 pandemic, McMichael was part of the core Health leadership team, overseeing case and contact management strategy and operations, outbreak management and response, and the High Priority Communities Strategy, supporting neighborhoods most impacted by COVID.
For close to a decade, McMichael served as Assistant Deputy Minister of Communications in the Ontario government’s Cabinet Office, communicating public policy and leading government marketing. During cannabis legalization, McMichael was Vice President of Communications and Corporate Affairs at the Ontario Cannabis Store, and has served in roles at the University of Toronto, including as Visiting Fellow at the Munk School in 2015-2016.
Updated July 2023