Scott Gilmore

Scott Gilmore is the President of Anchor Chain which sets up, turns around, or transforms interesting projects and enterprises. Gilmore is also the Editor-at-Large for Maclean’s Magazine. Prior to this, Gilmore founded Building Markets, a social enterprise that helps create jobs and reduce poverty by connecting local entrepreneurs to global markets. He was a Canadian diplomat with extensive experience in Asia and worked for the United Nations peacekeeping mission in East Timor. Scott studied Commerce at the University of Alberta and International History at the London School of Economics. He was given the EY Canadian Social Entrepreneur of the Year award, was named one of Canada’s Top 40 Under 40, and designated one of 25 “Transformational Canadians”. President Obama and Prime Minister Harper jointly awarded Scott the G20 Prize for innovation in impact investing. The Globe & Mail designated him a “Leading Thinker” on aid in the 21st century, the World Economic Forum has honored him as a Young Global Leader and he is a Senior Fellow with the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy and the Ashoka Foundation.
Updated July 2023