Shivaji Mukherjee

Areas of interest
- Methods
- Comparative Politics
- South Asian Politics
- Insurgency and Civil War
Shivaji is an Assistant Professor in Political Science, at the University of Toronto, Mississauga, and also part of the Graduate Faculty at the University of Toronto, St. George. He is also a Faculty Associate at the Center for South Asian Studies, Asian Institute, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto.
He works on political violence and conflict in India, and does research on insurgencies in South Asia, particularly focusing on colonial legacies of indirect rule and Maoist insurgency in India. He also have an interest in state formation, legacies of colonial institutions, and other types of political violence in South Asia like the Kashmir insurgency and Hindu-Muslim violence and vigilantism.
He has published a book on Colonial Institutions and Civil War: Indirect Rule and Maoist Insurgency in India (Cambridge University Press, 2021). He has several articles on this topic in the Journal of Conflict Resolution, World Development, Asian Security. He has also published on insurgency and counter insurgency in journals like Civil Wars and Oxford Handbook of South Asian Security.
Select publications
- Colonial Institutions and Civil War: Indirect Rule and Maoist Insurgency in India, Cambridge University Press, Studies in Contentious Politics Series, May 16, 2021;
- “Insurgency and counter insurgency in South Asia”, in Sumit Ganguly, Joseph Liow and Andrew Scobell (eds.),Routledge Handbook of Asian Security Studies, 2nd edition. October 2017.
- “Insurgencies in India - Origins and Causes”, in Sumit Ganguly, Manjeet Pardesi, Nicolas Blarel (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of India’s National Security. February, 2018.
- 9780199480135?cc=ca&lang=en&
- My chapter: proofs_12_Chapter 11 (003).pdf .
- “Colonial Origins of Maoist Insurgency in India: Long Term Effects of Indirect Rule—Chapter 5: Econometric analysis of spatial variation in Maoist insurgency in India”, CASI Working Paper Series No. 13-01, January 2013. rule-shivaji-mukherjee
- “Why are the Longest Insurgencies Low Violence? Politician Motivations, Sons of the Soil and Civil War Duration”. Civil Wars, Volume 16, Issue 2, 2014.
- “Colonial Origins of Maoist Insurgency in India: Historical Indirect Rule Institutions and Civil War.” Journal of Conflict Resolution, Volume 62, Issue 10, October 2018;
- o ‘HonorableMention’fortheMaryParkerFollettPrizeforBestArticle,PoliticsandHistorySection, APSA 2019
- “Historical Legacies of Colonial Indirect Rule: Princely States and Maoist insurgency in Central India.” World Development, 2018, 111 (113-129).
- “Colonial Legacies and Insurgency in India: Developing an instrument for colonial choice of indirect rule based on historical wars”, CLIO: Newsletter of Politics and History Section, APSA, Volume 29, issue 1 (Winter 2019- 2020),
- “Colonial Origins of Sons of the Soil Insurgency: Maoist Rebellion in Central India.” Asian Security, April 2021,
- “Pre-Colonial Warfare and Long-Run Development in India” (co-authored with Dincecco, Fenske, Menon), Forthcoming at The Economic Journal
- Published online at University of Warwick CAGE Working Paper Series, June 2019 at
Review of Rumela Sen, Farewell to Arms: How Rebels Retire without Getting Killed, Oxford University Press, 2021, at South Asia Reading Group (SARG), Summer 2021, The Center for Contemporary India, University of California, Berkeley; at