Sverrir Steinsson

Assistant Professor, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy
Sverrir Steinsson Photo


Main Bio

Sverrir Steinsson is Assistant Professor at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy. Prior to joining the Munk School, he was a PhD Candidate-in-Residence at the Institute for Security and Conflict Studies at the Elliott School of International Affairs and a Hans J. Morgenthau Fellow at the University of Notre Dame.

His research interests are in international relations, comparative politics and institutional theory. He has several primary lines of research. First, he explores how digital technology is creating new institutional forms, empowering new actors, and establishing new venues of conflict and cooperation. He has published on this in the American Political Science Review. Second, he explores how war transforms politics and society, with a particular focus on state formation and empires. One paper in this vein appeared in International Organization. Third, he is interested in small states in world politics, with a particular focus on asymmetric conflicts. He has published on this in Cooperation and ConflictForeign Policy AnalysisEuropean Security, and Scandinavian Journal of History

He has a PhD in Political Science from George Washington University, as well as an MA in International Affairs and a BA in Political Science, both from the University of Iceland.