Report, Economy & prosperity, Innovation, Government & politics, Public policy, Innovation Policy Lab, Munk School

Regent Park Revitalization: A Progress Report by Spacing

This document aims to provide a snapshot of the Regent Park revitalization at a significant juncture while setting this enormously complex undertaking against a broader background of the City’s attempts to promote the development of more affordable housing.

The following report, and the accompanying online exhibit housed at the University of Toronto Libraries, have been produced through a research partnership between Spacing and the University of Toronto, and funded by the Metcalf Foundation — with generous support from the MITACS Research Training Award, the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy and the School of Cities. This document aims to provide a snapshot of the Regent Park revitalization at a significant juncture while setting this enormously complex undertaking against a broader background of the City’s attempts to promote the development of more affordable housing. The information in this document and the virtual exhibit reflects a range of inputs: a thorough literature review; consultations on scoping with an advisory group consisting of Regent Park residents and agency representatives; interviews with key stakeholders, including residents, policy-makers, development industry participants, and social service organizations; and a data-gathering and evaluation process. This research, including interviews and an accompanying survey, were carried out with approval from the University of Toronto’s Research Ethics Board. The research and writing team include Prof. Shauna Brail, John Lorinc, Keisha St. Louis-McBurnie and Lena Sanz Tovar