Undergraduate Programs

New 100-Level Undergraduate Courses from the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy

A new selection of first-year undergraduate courses at the Munk School offers intellectual and community experiences that will prepare students to take on issues of global concern in a challenging time. From Contemporary Asian Studies and American Studies to Peace, Conflict and Justice, the Munk School’s undergraduate programs provide new ways of analyzing the world around us.

“We want to make sure students have access to all of the best thinking and all of the best practices that the Munk School has to offer, and these courses are a great place to start,” says Alexandra Rahr, Director of Undergraduate Programs and Student Experience. 

Students looking for real-life insights from great scholars will find that and more in these exciting new first-year courses at the Munk School in 2024/25:

  • AMS100H1F Global Capitalism: This course explores the rise of capitalism as not just an economic system but a political and cultural one as well. It introduces important socio-economic changes of the past 600 years and explores present-day problems including globalization, growing disparities of wealth, and the exploitation of natural resources.
  • MUN120H1S Revolutions: This class explores the social and political forces that reshape societies. Discover how ordinary citizens have risen up against corrupt governments and almost impossible odds. Students will examine revolutions around the world to learn how social and political forces have changed societies.
  • CAS100H1S Introduction to Contemporary Asian Studies provides an introduction to Contemporary Asian Studies, focusing on the rapid social, political, economic, and cultural changes taking place in the dynamic regions of East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.

“If you want to go beyond learning about our world’s biggest challenges and study why those challenges exist, why those injustices exist, how we can intervene in them, and how we can work together to ease those injustices to build a different kind of world, then the Munk School is for you, “ says Professor Rahr.

Each course provides first-year students with exciting learning opportunities and a chance to engage with the issues that are shaping today's world. 

For full course descriptions, as well as a complete list of all our many new 200, 300 and 400 level courses, please visit our website: https://munkschool.utoronto.ca/new-undergraduate-courses