Martin Regg Cohn

Martin Regg Cohn is a political columnist for the Toronto Star, Canada’s largest daily newspaper, where he focuses on domestic and international issues. A foreign correspondent for 11 years, he ran the Star’s Middle East and Asia bureaus, reporting from more than 40 countries — ranging from Afghanistan to Yemen. He was also their Foreign Editor, a world affairs columnist, and covered national politics from Ottawa. Nominated five times for the National Newspaper Award, he also received an Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada fellowship to research Islam in Indonesia, and won the Amnesty International Media Award for his coverage from Sudan.
He is a Senior Fellow at Toronto Metropolitan University, where he founded the Democracy Forum at TMU. He is also a Senior Fellow at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, and has lectured for New York Times' Journeys across the Middle East. A native of Montreal, he studied economics at King’s College and Dalhousie University.
Updated July 2023