Scholars in dialogue: Six conversations on the modern Middle East – Podcast

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The University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy on behalf of the Faculty of Arts & Science and in collaboration with IE University’s School of Politics, Economics & Global Affairs, and Sciences Po’s Paris School of International Affairs hosted a series of six live webinars on the history, politics and current conflict in the Middle East.

Moderated by recognized journalists, each session featured highly informed academics and practitioners, chosen for their unique expertise and ability to model thoughtful, respectful dialogue.

All episodes were recorded April - May, 2024.

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All episodes:

Episode 1 Gaza, the key to war and peace in the Middle East

Episode 2 History and Politics of Israel and Palestine Part I: 1881 - 1967

Episode 3 History and Politics of Israel and Palestine Part II: 1967 - today

Episode 4 Regional and global interests and influences

Episode 5 The Israel - Hamas war: architecture of diplomacy

Episode 6 The Israel - Hamas war: paradigms for lasting peace

Episode 1

episode 1 cover

The evolution of Gaza, a region distinct from the West Bank and Egypt, from antiquity to the present day

Jean Pierre Filiu, Professor of Middle East Studies, Sciences Po

Cristina Gallach, former UN Under-Secretary General; former Spanish State Secretary for Foreign Affairs

Episode 2

episode 2 cover

A discussion of the conflicts, politics and narratives of formative decades of Palestinian and Israeli history

Bernard Avishai, Visiting Professor of Government, Dartmouth College
Ezzedine Fishere, Senior Lecturer of Middle East Politics, Dartmouth College

Emily Bazelon, staff writer, New York Times Magazine; Truman Capote Fellow for Creative Writing and Law, Yale Law School

Episode 3

episode 3 cover

Continuing from last episode, panelists discuss conflicts, peace-making efforts, and consequences of events leading to the present day

Bernard Avishai, Visiting Professor of Government, Dartmouth College
Ezzedine Fishere, Senior Lecturer of Middle East Politics, Dartmouth College

Emily Bazelon, staff writer, New York Times Magazine; Truman Capote Fellow for Creative Writing and Law, Yale Law School

Episode 4

episode 4 cover

How American and Middle East states’ interests and behaviour affect the Israeli-Palestinian conflict historically and today

Elham Fakhro, Research Associate, Chatham House Middle East and North Africa program; Research Fellow, Exeter University's Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies.
Hussein Ibish, Senior Resident Scholar, Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington. 
Daniel Kurtzer, S. Daniel Abraham Professor of Middle East Policy Studies, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs; former United States Ambassador to Israel and Egypt
Nimrod Novik, former Senior Policy Advisor to the late Prime Minister Shimon Peres; former Special Ambassador of State of Israel and an Advisor to Israeli National Security Council

Cristina Gallach, former UN Under-Secretary-General; former Spanish State-Secretary for Foreign Affairs

Episode 5

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An exploration of diplomatic initiatives that might resolve immediate crisis and reduce cost of the conflict

Daniel Byman, Director, Security Studies Program and Professor, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service 
Thomas Fletcher, Principal, Hertford College, Oxford University; former United Kingdom Ambassador to Lebanon
Julie Trottier, Director of research, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France 

Steve Paikin, Canadian journalist and host of TV Ontario’s flagship current affairs show, The Agenda with Steve Paikin

Episode 6

episode 6 cover

Are any proposals for permanent peace more realistic today than in the last 50 years? What leverage do outsiders have and what steps can the two parties take to achieve peace and stability?

Itamar Rabinovich, Professor Emeritus, Middle Eastern History, Tel Aviv University; former Israeli Ambassador to United States. 
Shibley Telhami, Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development, University of Maryland

Steve Paikin, Canadian journalist and host of TV Ontario’s flagship current affairs show, The Agenda with Steve Paikin