

The Munk School’s faculty members are exceptional leaders, teachers, and researchers. View the Munk School’s faculty members and academic directors below or see our leadership and staff lists.

Janice Stein
Picture of Max Mishler sitting at a table outdoors and wearing a blue and white stripped shirt.
Assistant Professor, Department of History
Picture of Naomi Morgenstern wearing a white tank top.
Professor, Department of English
Picture of Peter Morrow standing outside wearing a dark blue suit and red tie.
Associate Professor, Department of Economics
Picture of Andrea Most wearing a black shirt.
Professor, Department of English
Cross-appointment, Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies
Shivaji Mukherjee headshot
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science
Assistant Professor, Political Science (UTM)
Kanta Murali headshot
Associate Professor; Interim Undergraduate Director and Associate Chair, Department of Political Science
Picture of Michelle Murphy standing in front of a wall wearing a green shirt.
Professor, School of Environment and Women and Gender Studies
Cross-appointment, Department of History
Aparna Nair
Affiliate, Centre for South Asian Studies, Asian Institute
Assistant Professor, Department for Health and Society, UTSC
Assistant Professor, Center for Global Disability Studies, UTSC
Rajyashree Narayanareddy headshot
Associate Professor, Department of Geography & Planning
Associate Professor, Department of Human Geography (UTM)
William Nelson
Affiliated Faculty, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
Associate Professor, Department of Historical and Cultural Studies
John Noyes
Affiliated Faculty, Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies
Acting Associate Chair, Graduate Studies
Professor of German
Extraordinary Professor, Modern Foreign Languages, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Picture of Kevin O'Neill standing in front of a graffiti wall and wearing a blue collar shirt.
Professor, Department for the Study of Religion (On Leave to June 30, 2023)
Director, Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies
Dragana Obradovic Photo
Associate Professor, Department of Slavic & East European Languages & Cultures , University of Toronto
Donna Orwin Photo
Professor Emerita, Department of Slavic & East European Languages & Cultures, University of Toronto
Victor Ostapchuk
Affiliated Faculty, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
Associate Professor, Ottoman and Turkish Studies
Tommaso Pavone Headshot
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science
Director, The Centre for the Study of France and the Francophone World (CEFMF)
Affiliated Faculty, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
Derek Penslar
Samuel Zacks Professor of Jewish History Emeritus, University of Toronto
Affiliated Faculty, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
Paul Perron - photo by University College
Professor Emeritus, Department of French
Angelica Pesarini
Assistant Professor, Centre for Diaspora & Transnational Studies
Affiliated Faculty, The Global Migration Lab
Joshua Pilzer headshot
Associate Professor, Faculty of Music
Affiliate, Centre for South Asian Studies, Asian Institute
Associate Professor, Department of History
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
Janet Poole headshot
Associate Professor; Distinguished Professor of the Humanities & Chair, Department of East Asian Studies
Ronald W. Pruessen
Professor Emeritus, Department of History
Affiliated Faculty, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
Affiliated Faculty, Centre for the Study of the United States
Associate Professor, Department of Art History
Bhavani Raman headshot
Associate Professor, Department of History
Associate Professor, Department of Historical and Cultural Studies (UTSC)
Srilata Raman headshot
Professor, Associate Chair and Undergraduate Coordinator, Department for the Study of Religion
Katharine Rankin headshot
Professor, Department of Geography and Planning
Ajay Rao headshot
Associate Professor, Department for the Study of Religion
Associate Professor and Vice-Dean, Graduate, Department of Historical Studies (UTM)
Picture of David Rayside wearing a blue sweater.
Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Science
Shozab Raza Headshot
Affiliate, Asian Institute
Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Justice Education, OISE
Picture of John Reibetanz standing in front of wall and wearing a black shirt.
Professor, Department of English
Fellow, Victoria College
Senior Fellow, Massey College
Jeffrey G. Reitz
Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology
R.F. Harney Professor Emeritus of Ethnic Immigration and Pluralism Studies
Headshot of James Retallack
Professor, Department of History
Affiliated Faculty, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
Picture of John Paul Ricco standing in front of a window and wearing a black shirt.
Professor of Comparative Literature, Art History and Visual Culture
Cross-appointment, Department of Visual Studies, UTM
Cross-appointment, Department of Art History
White man smiling with blue eyes in front of a tree
Assistant Professor, Department of Historical and Cultural Studies, University of Toronto Scarborough
Picture of Dr. Jennifer Ross in front of a window and wearing a black sweater.
Assistant Professor, Woodsworth College
Assistant Professor, Transitional Year Programme
Karen Ruffle headshot
Professor, Department for the Study of Religion
Professor, Department of Historical Studies (UTM)
Izumi Sakamoto headshot
Associate Professor, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work
Laura Salisbury
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, York University
Affiliated faculty, People's History Lab
Headshot of Nic Sammond
Professor, Cinema Studies Institute
Shiho Satsuka Photo
Associate Professor; Associate Chair, Undergraduate, Department of Anthropology
Picture of Timothy Andrew Sayle wearing a blue jacket behind a brick wall background.
Associate Professor, Department of History
Andre Schmid headshot
Associate Professor, Department of East Asian Studies
Barton Scott headshot
Associate Professor; Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Religion
Associate Professor, Department of Historical Studies (UTM)
Picture of Dana Seitler in front of a bookshelf.
Professor, Department of English
Director, Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies
Rakesh Sengupta
Affiliate, Centre for South Asian Studies, Asian Institute
Assistant Professor, Department of English, UTSC
Assistant Professor, Cinema Studies Institute
Jayeeta Sharma headshot
Associate Professor, Department of History
Associate Professor; Associate Chair of Research, Department of Historical and Cultural Studies (UTSC)